Lady Civet:
The poll is seriously flawed by combining apples and oranges in the same bag.
Generally, free traders aren't the ones that ambush players on their way to the abyss. Player killers aren't spending their time amassing fortunes. Some, of course do both, but I believe that time-wise the two are rather mutually exclusive.
Because you combined the two in one vote the results are an inaccurate statement on what players want for either free trade or wildy.
Too, the confusion on vote/abstain renders the results, to some extent, invalid. I voted, but now realize my vote indicated the opposite of what I intended. I should have read more carefully, my fault.
While I appreciate the work Jagex puts into developing and maintaining the game and making it equitable for the majority, I think this is a ploy to allow Jagex to do something they have already decided to do. Then when done, Jagex can reply to complaints by saying "This is what the majority wanted."
Jagex is a business, and this is a business decision. As such, I cannot fault it. I only resent it being disguised with the cloak of majority rules. Be forthright, just call it a duck and be done with it.
Edit: The duck reference may be too obscure. It refers to the saying "If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.'"
How can you say it is incorrect, when the actual removal happened with both of them combined?
The mistakes that have been made must be undone, in no other way than in which it actually happened.
I will no longer argue about this as I have by far proved my point (not only with you but I replied to many others on different threads), and I wish to no longer discuss about something that has already past.
Live on the future, not on the past.
06-Jan-2011 10:13:44