
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Lady Civet:
The poll is seriously flawed by combining apples and oranges in the same bag.
Generally, free traders aren't the ones that ambush players on their way to the abyss. Player killers aren't spending their time amassing fortunes. Some, of course do both, but I believe that time-wise the two are rather mutually exclusive.
Because you combined the two in one vote the results are an inaccurate statement on what players want for either free trade or wildy.
Too, the confusion on vote/abstain renders the results, to some extent, invalid. I voted, but now realize my vote indicated the opposite of what I intended. I should have read more carefully, my fault.
While I appreciate the work Jagex puts into developing and maintaining the game and making it equitable for the majority, I think this is a ploy to allow Jagex to do something they have already decided to do. Then when done, Jagex can reply to complaints by saying "This is what the majority wanted."
Jagex is a business, and this is a business decision. As such, I cannot fault it. I only resent it being disguised with the cloak of majority rules. Be forthright, just call it a duck and be done with it.
Edit: The duck reference may be too obscure. It refers to the saying "If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.'"
How can you say it is incorrect, when the actual removal happened with both of them combined?
The mistakes that have been made must be undone, in no other way than in which it actually happened.
I will no longer argue about this as I have by far proved my point (not only with you but I replied to many others on different threads), and I wish to no longer discuss about something that has already past.
Live on the future, not on the past.

06-Jan-2011 10:13:44

May Member 2019


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06-Jan-2011 10:58:05

Blade Pkerz

Blade Pkerz

Posts: 51 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Being Famous:
The other guy is right, you cant have player killing without free trade. If i want to by pass the limit to give my friend 100m, i just have to let him kill me, rather than trade him. And what would be the point of using todays pvp drops if free trade was put back in. the whole point was to stop RWTers, and if free trade is back in, i should get what i kill in wildy agian.

06-Jan-2011 12:01:08



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You all do know.... If it wasn't back right as or the next day as it is now for me.... Free Trade and Old Wildy are probaly not coming back. On all the other polls and updates Jagex were right on top of it. So if they havn't put it up yet...i honestly doubt it will come back up. :@ *bumble*

06-Jan-2011 12:04:14



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I only ready about 5 pages and there is some serious nonsense within those as it is. Although everyone does have a fair say yes, this vote is primarily for those that know. For those who were around in those days to experience what RS really was all about.
I got scammed more than a few times, I've been killed in the wilderness while treasure hunting, I've died and lost all my items training, I've been training and had the luxury of another dead guys items, I've been given presents by my friends, I've given presents to my friends, I've given money away to random noobs and made their day, I've been given money as a noob by a random high level, I've spent countless hours at 'GDZ' and 'Hilly's' back in my f2p days trying so hard to get a rune pk, I've heard countless stories of extreme fortune of finding a rare on the floor and of extreme misfortunes of alching a rare, or dieing to an evil chicken and some level 3 taking your stuff...
I could go on for ever really, what a lot of you guys don't seem to understand is this is what it was all about back in the day, that's just how it was. It was a learning curve if nothing else. It may seem a bit harsh when you look at it logically, but i bet almost every old school player loved it back then, the thrill and excitement and all that... It's quite hard to explain. Jagex themselves know this. They clearly know that they've changed the game for the worse and it's lost the energy it once had.
I realise that there are probably a thousand old school heads in here who have posted something similar to this. But one more can't hurt. It seems as though jagex have finally reverted from their extreme baby-sitting stance of a few years ago. Slowly but surely...

06-Jan-2011 12:08:25 - Last edited on 06-Jan-2011 12:10:14 by Esco



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And then 2 years from now, they both get removed yet again due to the overwhelming numbers of bots and rwt and etc
No matter how much you think you can combat it, there'll always be more companies popping up due to the re-introduction of free-trade. And then more after that. Even as we speak, there'll be some massing their machines, ready for the day it comes back.
As for the wilderness, well, as someone has said, it goes hand-in-hand with free-trade. Unless you bring the old mechanics back but with something like the BH rules, I can't see how it would come back without free-trade.
Call me unreasonable, or paranoid, I don't care. What I do care about is what your long-term plans are.
For surely you'd have thought about what I have typed up. You wouldn't just bring back your own destruction?

I do remember your reasons for the removal of them. I can never forget those numbers.
So ye, I'm voting no... not that it'll make much difference. :|

06-Jan-2011 12:09:11

Queen Beach
Oct Member 2006

Queen Beach

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Sorry...but apart from a few of the pro wildies...Bunny for one (apologies to the others but i dont feel like trolling through THAT many pages..Bunny just stood out due to number of posts) struggling to understand your argument. English is my firs* language. Most of the ranters sound like a version of the big bad wolf. All huff and puff and no stuff. Your only argument is to rant and abuse which pretty much confirms my opinion and experience with the majority of pkers. Rude illmannered tanty chuckers. I want it and i want it NOW!!
I dont think its fair you (as legit pkers) have to stand around in the wildy to accumulate some sort of time credit for drops (i dont pk but have gone out to kill mates) so i can understand that argument. I also believe you should be able to pick up whatever the pker you killed risked. Note i said pker and not some defenceless skller.
I keep hearing the argument that the ones against dont know what the old wildy was like. Yeah ...we do.
As for free trade? While i loved the days i could sell bread at 10k a loaf because players were too lazy to make their own (made a lot of money from lazy players and still do), I also remember fishing and chopping logs next to botters and feeling totally frustrated. I chased an fm botter round edgy last week and even after several players and a mod reported him....he was still logging in a few days later.
To those who keep blabbing on about how botters make it cheaper for you to pk? You are the pits...I have no respect for you at all. You have a gimme gimme gimme now attitude. Its a skill based game. Some of us are prepared to work for our levels and we dont think its fair that we get payed less for our efforts. If you want to play and have fun all day? Who wouldnt?!?!?! Fine.....but theres a price attached.
Im pretty much resigned to the fact that the schoolyard bullies are going to take over the playground again. Be careful for what you wish for. Paybacks a Beach.

06-Jan-2011 12:12:30



Posts: 1,392 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I wasnt around when the old wildy was, and pretty soon im gonna miss just walking around the wildy looking at the scenery :P I spend alot of time there nowadays.
BTW, about the clue scrolls, minigames, revs etc in the wildy, Jagex said they were going to relocate them. Ever wonder where? It might be another wildy-like place... :O
*Noobs aren't always dumb*

06-Jan-2011 12:15:42

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