As a network administer, I'm fully aware of people's capabilities and limitations when it comes to computers. However, my above post covers you're "rebuttal." I'll reiterate though, don't give out your ********, and don't do things that you know you shouldn't do, such as downloading third-party software. Always use a good anti-virus, and keep your firewall on. I can recommend a few decent free one's if you're so worried.
lol dam noobs you have to explain everything for them...
Green drags have ALWAYS been where they are and thats where all the noobs make the money. So good luck going to drags now ill be waiting
even though u wont go anymore.
I'm only coming back if the Wilderness and Free Trade return.
If you're worried about getting "scammed" through trading - TRADE SLOWLY.. You have time.. Make sure to check your offers and how much you're paying..
If you're worried about getting "lured" in the wilderness - You know what the ditch means. You know how NOT to get lured.
If you're worried about RWT returning, let Jagex worry about the problem. It's not our problem.