Yea, of all time over the amount of 10 years that Runescape has been around, since the deletion of the awesome wildy we all know and love the population has declined by atleast 50%
It's people like taylord that get me annoyed. For all of you people complaining about no more clue scrolls and such etc, you need to realize that the wilderness was NEVER meant to be safe, you go at your own risk. It's the players that joined after the wild was taken out that are causing the commotion. Just please stop being a nuisance, accept the fact that the wild SHOULD come back, because that's the way RS was and should of been*
*** should be returned to it's glory, so please stop making it harder by complaining about how the wild should be safe.
They said it would take well over 100,000, maybe even over 1,000,000, and that was for the original vote, the one that brought the referendum in. If the people haven't voted by the deadline then it is apparent that they don't really care about it that much, so Jagex will listen to the 1,000,000 people who have voted and realise that 90% of people do want it back.
To be perfectly honest PKers are less dangerous than revenants, on some worlds there aren't even any PKers, now all worlds have revenants, revenants have overpowered spells and stats, most pkers don't. You can get mercy from a PKer, you can't get any from a revenant.