(continued from earlier post) because of the result, may want to quit. Yes, you are doing what's best for your company, making palyer happy, and doing what's most profitable, but the small 8% may not like this change. out of the 1 million voters as of today, that 8% equals about 80,000 players. That is still a huge chunk. Assuming that about half of them may quit because of this, about 40,000 players may quit Runescape. Howeer, you may look at this and say "Big deal, we got more people coming in to replace all of them." However, you don't have to lose those players. There are many things you can do and you know it too to benifit both sides that like and dislike this idea. I'm only against the free trade on the grand exchange, but there has got to be a percentage of that 80,000 that disagree with this idea that have the same views as me. Maybe they might not have the same problems I share, nor have the same opinion, but we all want to enjoy Runescape by it's glory.
My point being, for every problem others have, there is a solution. Me, I got three ideas listed below for you. Now, however, some of these ideas can be tweeked around with a little bit, and they could just work, but I would at the very LEAST, Try checking some of these ideas out, and consider them strongly, because wouldn't it be nice if you could keep those 80,00 people, as well as the MILLIONS that are flowing into Runescape as of today? Okay, maybe 70,000 as well as that million, but still, wouldn't it be nice to try to keep everyone playing runescape?
Again, Moderators, I know you are hard at work at this, and possibly, my opinion won't even be noticed in the end, but I would polllitely ask of you to please do, and/or at LEAST consider to do one of the three:
05-Jan-2011 21:45:07