Quick REPLY,
please, someone of importance preferably a player/Jagex mod, please read this regarding untradable items.
I am a 17 yr old lvl 115 pker and I have been playing since 2004. If the wilderness is to become virtually a copy of 2006 pking, then the untradable items i.e. firecape, defenders, torsos, gloves (barrows, rune, etc) should become available to the players who lost them. It's part of the fun --> rushing back into the wilderness to pick up your lost (hard to get) items with the fear of a mage freezing you. It is exhilirating and it **es not make pking unfair for people who do not have those items and have to substitute with something loseable such as a rune plate or rune kite. The fact that pkers are willing to "risk" their items which they strived for should be acknowledged. IF the item is an untradable it should be visible on the ground to whom it belonged. REGARDING CLUE SCROLLS: I believe that when a player dies with "clue scroll, watch, sextant, or chart, those items should be dropped where the player died with a gravestone Just LIKE dying out side of the wilderness. Only those three items are allowed to be replaced w/ the gravestone. If the player carries other items along with the clue scroll, those are attained by the pker just as normal items; however, the clue scroll would be located underneath a grave for the designated amount of time due to the player's gravestone status-- whether the player paid extra to get a better gravestone, or somebody blesses the gravestone. ******IN REGARDS TO S T A K I N G-----***** chaotic wepons should have an optional slot where players can check that slot on or off. Staking was always meant to be done with a whip, and sure whip pkers fight chaotics, but in a 1v1 with no armour or pots or food? That's completely unfair! A checkable slot would be greatly appreciated by the RS community based off of the forums articles i have read regarding the issue. I hope everybody takes the time to read this. Thanks!
05-Jan-2011 04:35:05