From the standpoint of a person who doesn't really skill much, I don't see TOO MANY problems with RWT and bots. As I see it, it puts tons of stuff onto the market and lowers the price. That is good for people like me who like to buy stuff like lobsters for training and people who are new and need good stuff.
Wilderness would provide incentive for people to buy more melee gear. That would just improve the economy, as people who kill them will sell their stuff back to them. It is like a cycle. I would prefer, however, that the wilderness revenants are removed and that old wilderness is only on certain worlds. Maybe introduce worlds with old wildy and revenants, worlds with old wildy only, worlds with bounty hunter, worlds with bounty hunter +1, worlds with kill-anywhere, and worlds without revenants and wilderness and bounty hunter. That way, I can go into the wilderness and not have to worry about being slaughtered by anything I wasn't prepared for.
Bots are fun to mess with. Closing the door on them, making fun of them, they just are super fun to mess with. They are bad, for some people, but fun for others.
If you are going to introduce free trade back, make sure that you have a "Market Price: [such and such]" and turn the screen red with a warning if it is beyond say 30k from the GE Market Price.
But that is my opinion. There are pros and cons all decisions, just do one or the other and hope for the best.
04-Jan-2011 23:37:57