
Wilderness and Free Trade Vote Thread is locked

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Posts: 9,769 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
From the standpoint of a person who doesn't really skill much, I don't see TOO MANY problems with RWT and bots. As I see it, it puts tons of stuff onto the market and lowers the price. That is good for people like me who like to buy stuff like lobsters for training and people who are new and need good stuff.
Wilderness would provide incentive for people to buy more melee gear. That would just improve the economy, as people who kill them will sell their stuff back to them. It is like a cycle. I would prefer, however, that the wilderness revenants are removed and that old wilderness is only on certain worlds. Maybe introduce worlds with old wildy and revenants, worlds with old wildy only, worlds with bounty hunter, worlds with bounty hunter +1, worlds with kill-anywhere, and worlds without revenants and wilderness and bounty hunter. That way, I can go into the wilderness and not have to worry about being slaughtered by anything I wasn't prepared for.
Bots are fun to mess with. Closing the door on them, making fun of them, they just are super fun to mess with. They are bad, for some people, but fun for others.
If you are going to introduce free trade back, make sure that you have a "Market Price: [such and such]" and turn the screen red with a warning if it is beyond say 30k from the GE Market Price.
But that is my opinion. There are pros and cons all decisions, just do one or the other and hope for the best.

04-Jan-2011 23:37:57

Dec Member 2023


Posts: 160 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
First of all, I know of several people in their forties or older who still occasionally log in and play some RS.
Second, I doubt I'll be playing in 20 years, but maybe 5. If I had bought a memberships when I started playing...Idk...maybe 2003ish...then even if they charged 200 dollars for a lifetime, I'd be happy.

04-Jan-2011 23:41:59



Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I always go and kill green dragons it is one of my favorite things to do on runescape. So i went and entered the rift and i lagged very very baddly. So i reloaded the page. I logged in and it said -1800 wild and i was like wtf and it wouldent load. then i tryed to log again and it said -20 wild. Now is the good part. I logged in for my last time and i lost all my armor i was wearing fighter torso helm nezoit fury tassets d scimmy and anti drag shield and i was at edgevill bank dead with only 1 item my dragon scimmy wtf. Please help me. I have been playing runescape for like 5 years now and this has never happened to me wtf.

04-Jan-2011 23:47:09

Kushy monsta
Aug Member 2022

Kushy monsta

Posts: 35 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hello everyone I've been playing Runescape a very long long time since there were 3 worlds and you had the option to be a player killer or a passive player thats about 10 Years Ago which BTW happy 10th Anniversary Rs. with all that being said one thing that stuck out about runescape above all other MMORPGS was the wilderness and the getting the players armor and items they were carrying I LOVED IT!!!!! but when that sad 2007 day came and wilderness went away I was upset I felt runescape took a turn in the direction of WOW(World of Warcraft) which is a game now that is almost identical to runescape and when wilderness pking was around I refused to play wow at all cost and still do refuse to play wow due to being a loyal runescape player. If the wilderness pking was reinstated that would be a turn in the opposite direction of wow. As I think more about it when wildy pking was taken away alot of my friends whom were long time players such as jayjay1107, SSj3nate, and last but not least WhiteP0wer whom which has recently deceased due to natural causes at the age of 24 all stopped playing. so in conclusion RS and all Rs players vote to bring rs back in memory of a dear friend of mine as it would mean so much to me and the other guys especially since i told them about the current vote they all said if chris Aka WhiteP0wer was still here he would def start playing if the reverse was implemented.
Thank you, Lord Knight AKA-Draco llX

04-Jan-2011 23:48:22

Khal Nate

Khal Nate

Posts: 212 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
the grand exchange is a horrible idea to begin with. wheres the fun in just placing all your items in a slot and watch the market price gold stack up. or simply buy an item by pressing a button (for market price). theres no challenge in buying or selling items. theres no fun in buying or selling if you cant haggle. its almost insulting the way they idiot proof this game...

04-Jan-2011 23:55:53



Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE NEW CHANGES. I think that the runescape community will grow even larger with these new changes.Alot of people quit after the changes came,me knowing a few of these people personly so basicly im all for the idea of the wilderness comeing back to its origal form and there being the free trading. :D

04-Jan-2011 23:58:48

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 408 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
because fred wants to stick with his numbers I shall bring numbers to the table.
Lets say in 2007 there were 159 worlds. Which were most of the time full during a 24 hour basis.
Thats 318000 players in half a day, when these players go to sleep another 318000 players wake up to play. That is 636000 different players during ONE DAY / 24 hours. Pretty darn close to 1 million if you ask me.
Now, look at today's runescape. average of 150,000. So, let's say when we go to sleep another 150,000 players wake up to play runescape. Well, guess what! Now, you barely have HALF the active number of players during the DAY (24 hours) playing runescape! Impressive math don't you think so Fred?
You are welcome to come back at me anytime.

05-Jan-2011 00:01:28



Posts: 174 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
um u g3t clawed u and almost every other nerd go to green dragons im so happy its finally being brought back free trade and old wildy were the best before they removed it and one opposing it can just stfu u prob werent playing when it was taken away and dont no how it feels having trade limit and only wild worlds if u want to make money at drags btw u g3t cla3d get 85 dungeneering theres a reason frost drags were made.

05-Jan-2011 00:03:49

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