@ Sirius
You know, even though you are from Europe your english is still far more developed than half the kids on this forum.
On topic: Woo, bring wilderness and FT back, yay.
Sorry to see you still don't get it, and post your "arguments" over and over and over again... I think i've answered 10 times, at least, and I'm not going to again. Either step out of that little world of yours and listen to us, or just stay there without getting any respect. Now you're just being repetetive (<spelled right?
Thanks for reading,
Also Fred, you're one person. I'm one person who quit RS and started playing WoW because of the removal of free trade and wilderness so there it balances out already. I'm willing to bet RS lost more people than it gained because of the removal of free trade and the wildy..
Since fred is someone that does not listen to people I will say this to those of you who care. Sure, jagex got some awards 2007-2010 however, they would have received them either way with Wildy and free trade gone. But, they would have won even more awards. Back in "my runescape days" I remember seen close to 1 million active players at once, now it's a joke compared to when Wildy and free trade was there.
I am Unable for the 20th time at least i played in classic as i was 17-18 when the game first came out and had a lomt more free time then, then i do now
I got 85 mining and smithing which belive it or not people that player killed loved as it meant i was one of the few who could make armour for them when they lost theres and i sold in cheaper than most others as it didnt take me long to get
so yes i used free trade to undercut people lol
but then people started killing me when i mined rune ores (they where only in wildy back then)
just because they could and they thought i might drop a few ores
which meant i made them less armour and they got angry at me for not being able to supply them with armours when they where the very resson i could not.
So I go bored of that account and trained a strength pure and player killed people it was amazing how strong pures where back in classic as magic and range where really weak
which is why when people say pure i rember someone with 1 defense and 99 str and atack strength pures where the only way to go back in classic.
Maximilious isses my point is when runescaspe was wrecked according to a lot of people they won awards so it couldnt of been that wrecked and when it losst loads of people it was still the 3rd most played online game
and yes WOW was number 1 to the guy that said he plays that.
and we wil never know if it would of won the awards if it had wildreness or free trade back then unless of course it wins one this year after it adds it then you can so you told me so lol
04-Jan-2011 21:24:01
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04-Jan-2011 21:27:16
@Kid Strange
Yeah i pretty much said exactly what you said just in a shorter paragraph and in less explanation. Anyways I think I might love you
I played RS classic as well...you just think you are the only one who knows anything.
04-Jan-2011 21:25:04
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04-Jan-2011 21:26:16