Free trade is pretty important to me. The Grand Exchange is my favorite update, but it came with the worst one: the removal of free trade and the wilderness.
Also, I'd just like to throw it out there that I just signed up for members again after a 983-day break (can you guess which major update completely ruined the game in my eyes?) when I heard that free trade and the wilderness would be making a return.
As for "loyalty," it is not the customers who should be loyal to Jagex, but Jagex who should be loyal to their customers. I had my account for just about seven years when they took all my fun out of the game - why should I have continued to play a game that I did not enjoy?
I am not a botter, a RWTer, or someone's sixth account, and I voted for the return of free trade and the wilderness.
04-Jan-2011 17:55:08