@Red Devilma0
Merching clans will die with free trade like warfarin drops rats. First of all, these clans rely on increasing the max prices in the ge by abusing the supply-demand system and leading the ge to think that a situation where prices ought to rise is happening. But free trade means that max price limits will be gone, so good luck to merching clans driving up a max price when there is no max price. Secondly, street prices on rares are known because they are rares. If you ask anyone the street price of anything other than rares and new items, I guarantee that few people to no one has a clue. Merching clans cannot create the street prices because they represent a minority of the community and so, how might say 1000 players or whatever inform everyone else outside the clan that they are driving prices up? No one outside their clan will know their price. Everyone else will agree on an accepted universal price (say ranger boots at 4 million.) and there will still be slight changes to that. (Someone might be selling at 4.1 mill or such.) These are the prices that the majority of players will know. Hence if a mercher clan is selling at 6 mill, do you think anyone would buy the overpriced item when they can just go to someone else and buy the item for the accepted universal price? There were none of these gutter trash clans before trade limits, that already tells you what will happen if free trade comes back.
There are 3 VERY CLEAR options of "YES- I WANT FREE TRADE AND WILDY BACK", "NO" and "I DON'T MIND." to choose from and if you missed those, I'd advise getting an eye test, learning to understand English and/or coming to Earth. Honestly, I'm sick of people saying the poll is misleading. There are 3 options and they are clear; if you clicked yes but meant no, don't blame the voting system because it's your fault for being stupid and not reading. Your point holds absolutely no merit. Obvious troll is obvious. Give me a dinosaur now, sunshine.
04-Jan-2011 15:00:13
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04-Jan-2011 15:02:08