Old Bean 25
I understand why they do not require a p a s s
Many players that have not played this game in a year don’t remember it.
My sis stopped playing, and I called her to tell her about the vote, she has no idea what her p a s s is after all that time, however she was allowed to vote even without it.
If this goes though, she will be back along with many of my friends, if not, they have no reason to come back. If they had to try to recover their p a s s , they would not have bothered to vote. Why recover an account to vote on something that might not happen, and Jagex would have been flooded with recovery request for other players that would have taken the time to try and cast a vote.
If Jagex wants a true count, this was the only way to do it.
22-Dec-2010 00:05:53