FredUp, in my opinion that is what makes the game interesting. Yes maybe **t as many people were pking back then but you were still taking a risk every time you stepped in the wild whether you were Runecrafting or killing dragons. As of now level 80s can just walk out there in there Rune and not worry about a thing and just make easy money.
FredUp, in my opinion that is what makes the game interesting. Yes maybe not as many people were pking back then but you were still taking a risk every time you stepped in the wild whether you were Runecrafting or killing dragons. As of now level 80s can just walk out there in there Rune and not worry about a thing and just make easy money.
Guys, voting consists in giving the masses a voice. If the majority say yes to free trade an old wildy, then yay! If not, then not so yay! for me. However, whatever the result, I will stand behind it. I think that limiting votes to ip adresses instead of accounts is a great idea, since it prevents rigging. And guys, remember, if the majority says yes, and you don't like the desicion, you can't do anything about it, exept quitting the game.
Big Josh did you see how full the combat guild / warrior guild was when the dragon defender came out right times that buy 10 and your starting to get how full wildy will be
i wont be going into wildy as i dont like it but i pray the servers can hack that and peole dont get lagged out while fighting in wildy as I rember the servers crashing out like mad a few weeks ago.
03-Jan-2011 20:46:30
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03-Jan-2011 20:48:37
Lifemaul, "What is the point in having something if you don't have someone to share it with..? "
It took Bill Gates 30 billion dollars and turning 45 to realize this.
You are only the second player that has stated (that I have witnessed) that giving stuff away is a reason for free trade. And it sounds like you would like free trade to get it back
Sure, I have loads of cash and items out there as well that I got caught off guard having lent out.
If free trade returns I'd probably call in some of those debts, except most of them have changed their names so many times I've completely lost track if them.
I've walked the streets of RS and asked many, many folks why they want this update. The vast majority answer about the same way. They want to transfer gps and items from another account and they want to be able to make gps through pvp combat rather than having to do repetitive skills.
FredUp, the game has around 7 P2P worlds that players can actually PK in. What makes you think all the wilds will be SO crowded in all of the 100+ worlds??
Their used to be a time when runescape had many aspects of real life in it. You used to be able to help a friend in need. You used to be able to go and kill someone and get whatever they dropped. I hope jagex honors their word and brings back the good old days of Runescape. I've played for about 7 years and when they took away staking I began to play less, but it was ok because you could still pk. Then they got rid of pking and introduced bounty hunter which was lame. This caused thousands of great players to quit playing, hundreds of clans to die, and many friendships that were created because of this game to die. Then they introduced bounty and pvp worlds. While these are better than bounty hunter it is still nothing like the old wild. Am I the only one that misses the excitement of a whip pk? I mean a zarros statuette is cool and all, but when u kill a guy holding a d spear and 70k cash it kind of defys the point in pking. I havent really played runescape since they did those updates, but if Jagex really brings back the old days of playing I will surely play again.
- Arrithmos
03-Jan-2011 20:51:32
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03-Jan-2011 20:54:33
Big Josh if 900k people really voted yes and there not all bots or new account made to vote lets asumme that just half of them try to go into wildy when its realised thats 450k people all trying to get into wildy does that not seem like a lot?
03-Jan-2011 20:53:10
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03-Jan-2011 20:55:05