1)No they're wont be the whole point Jagex even launched this vote was becuase they realized the problem
will never full be eradicated so what is the point and besides those who cheat will cheat but when it comes to level 3 botters feeding main a*counts then
going into wildy the old wilderness if allowed to update will weed out those who use only money and not pking skills
to PK
2)Junk trading is going to die after this, either your too biased or too stupid to realize this and the whole idea
of free trade is to make your OWN prices up? i dont see how this is a problem tbQh...
3)So what if things are going to be moved? and besides its ONLY THINGS IN THE WILDERNESS SUCH AS CLAN WARS QUESTS
ETC that are going to be moved the whole of runescape isn't gonna be mmoved we dealt with a major change in 2007
when they took away the trade and wilderness so in 2011 we can handl it coming back, its just pure logic????
4)i dont even get this one tbh you talk about overloads and overpowered hits etc, but overloads and extremes are banned
from pvp regardless......
5)its not that they deserve to be scammed but if they're stupid enough then they learn dont they, life is full of
tough, so deal with it or gtfo....
6)yeah there are other places to player kill but the majority wan the old wilderness,
is that so much to ask??? if jagex would have minded like they used to be before casting out this vote they
would be doing the exact same thing you are, making a list of pointless might i add pointless excuses...
Im not tryin to cause an argument or hating or w/e but yeah you really should consider revising your info and in the end free trade and old wilderness are the best things that could happen to RS.
03-Jan-2011 18:31:17