Lol Zisc, anyone who says "Wildy should stay removed, I don't want my clues stolen" is a *******. Clues can't be traded or sold. If I get a clue and go PKing and die, the Pker doesn't get it. So really, LOL.
Quote" You've had PK'ING. And Free Trade from the drops..." You see Darkmen*69, or whatever your idiotic name is, you are exactly what I was talking about in my previous posts. You are a Straight-Up-The-Ass-Dumb-Ass. Tell me how exactly is killing someone with 50m and getting trout with an addy kite shield free trade? Or how is killing someone who is carrying 75k to get 21m, an example of free trade? I love Runescape because it is rated SUADA+. You idiots have an excuse for everything. " NOT FAIR POLL! ONLY YES VOTE!" And once again Jagex babies your ass and creates a new one. Even with a new one now you complain, " OH IT IS BOTTERS MAKING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS!" Then how about this you SUADA, why don't you bot to create multiple accounts to? Otherwise stfu.
I don't see the argument on clue scrolls. Pker's were never a problem for me doing clues. The bigger problem will be the return of bots in mass, and hackers cleaning out your account. Scamming will not be a problem unless you are a complete idiot.
First, it's Darthme97, and second, have you tried Bounty Hunter of looked at a video? What you bring WILL be gained by the player who kills you. So if someone with full dragon dies, they get the full dragon, not 72k and an addy kite.
I have said that it was an only yes vote like 4 days ago... thanks for bringing it up again as it's true. Oh! I haven't calculated that into my formulas! How long was it just Yes? How many votes voted any how? This is what we need, a logical answer to things, MATH! I'm really trying to find out the TRUE answer to this. Really hope Jagex notices how math solves everything...
Aeb4, Scamming was less of a problem when they added the flashing, yes, but prior, it was a problem. Sure there was a report button, but are they really going to sift through all of those with no hard proof? Not really. Hacking is a pain yes, but how many times as someone said "the only way to get hacked is if you give someone your pass-word" Lots, but when they get hacked, they'll quickly change that argument.
03-Jan-2011 06:25:31
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03-Jan-2011 06:26:14
No response to that comment because that comment had just revealed to my your IP quotient level. The first "petition" was people just randomly typing in random accounts into the vote, now Jagex had re-created the poll and still you think something is rigged. I think you are confused. And you might want to use a calculator that didn't originate from the store labeleled SUADA.
I been playing since 2004 and I bet anything the people afraid of old style wildy coming back are just newer very noobish players who are afraid of combat. If you are afraid to die or lose your things, stay out of the wilderness, a huge part of this game as it was developed was combat, if there was no combat involved it would never have been 4/5 as popular as it is today and I think that is being generous.
As far as getting scammed or RWT, get real. Scamming was never a really huge issue for MOST players and all you need to do is pay attention to what your getting from a trade, with recent (not very) updates you can see the value of whats being traded to you. RWT still goes on like mentioned already and there is no point ruining a great game over it.
I don't personally know anyone who wouldn't want the old runescape from 2004-2007 back the way it was bar a few updates. Keep in mind I know a lot of people as I have been a member of Runescape Dinasty one of the largest pking/war clans in the game for over 4 years.