here is how "scamming works"
scenario 1:
Players 1 buys 1k mage logs and 1k willows (they used to look like eachother) mage logs are on market price for 1.3k ea he selling in world 18 cammy bank for 800 ea, player 2 sees this and thinks he is about to get the deal of a lifetime, he throws up his 800k for 1.3mil worth of mage logs and clicks away at accept not wanting player 1 to think, player 1 quickly and quitely switches the mage for willows, and clicks accpet himself, now in second trade window if you where smart you would see is says willow logs (x1000) and not magic logs(x1000)... player 2 just spent 800k on maybe 30k of willows...
scenario 2:
before money was colored at diferent mils you could make 4 look like k... a whip was worth about 3mil so player 1 would sell a whip for 3mil player 2 comes and puts up 50004, now that is only 50k but it used to look like 5000k player 1 gets all excited and rapidly clicks accept... in second trade window he SHOULD look and see it saus 50004 and not 5,000,000....
simple enough? scamming cant work anymore bc money has colors and items look dif, and the big flashing exclamtion point!
jagex already stated that they will being moving some things, i do not think drags and clue scrolls should be moved becuase they where there in old rs when i played and i did just fine...
this pole is very fare, people always complaining how people are using mult accounts, i have 3 accounts and yes i voted will all of them, if you think thats unfair well make more and go ahead and hit still gona loose at 875k votes nomater how many kids vote no its gona happen....
geting lured is your own fault, if kids says oh yeah ill give u p hat if u folow me and u folow, well youre about to learn a life lesson on talking to strangers...
dont wana get pkd then dont go in wildy...
03-Jan-2011 00:45:28