Fantaseh scamming is easy to prevent and what you don't seem to understand Is that RIGHT now people are botting after the update people will still bot and in a year people will still bot, it happens with all games, you just gotta deal with it. Jagex has already done lots to stop booting and will continue to do so.
@Mainac Devil
The vote is not at all flawed, fixed, or controlled. If you read the statement that was released they want you to decide, why would they put up a vote, if they wanted it back they could just put it back! People forget that this is a game not reality.
Im sure it would save the Jagex team time to do other things in game, without having to update G.E twice a day.
Were are you getting all these facts and figures?
some simple number crunching into my calculator using known Runescape population and account data. They are approximations of course but relatively close and they show my point.
02-Jan-2011 23:21:21
- Last edited on
02-Jan-2011 23:22:40
Quoted from :
"There are leaks of information everywhere that J Mods have confirmed about us not really be able to trade freely with our friends. Such as specific areas and our trades will be watched. If you want to give your friend 10 mill, your account will be locked and investigated for Gold Trading. As much as I understand that no one wants to see cheating happen, and that in 2007 it was terrible. I know I was there, It did suck. We did need some changes.I think we should reallllly get a say , not just a poll . Communicate with us about this? Tell us everything. Let us know whats going on in the process of this poll.
Really? How fair is that Jagex? You tell us were getting our Free trade back . We vote YES! and then its not even a free trade..Why do we pay for memberships? If we dont even get a real say in anything. Us paying members are what support you and your jobs. At least tell us everything before we vote on something this big!