Bring it back! I played at years 2005-2007 alot, that was the golden times of pking. And I loved the free trade. If someone wants he can give you 100k as a gift and there is no limit. RWT really never bothered me. And as for scamming.. I never ever got scammed! You just had to be careful and look the offer twice before accepting. Luring wasn't problem for me. And finally, I find it funny and sad how people can speak about clues!! They were in wildy before!! They are meant to be dangerous, you cant expect you will solve all your clues so easily. Just watch the mini-map and when you see a white dot, then log out, is what i did back in the days. Never died with a clue scroll. Pking was maybe the best thing in RS, back in days. I often made low-level pures and pked in edge lvl 1-2 wildy. Or then went to pk with my main which was zerker pure back in days. Bring it back is my opinion. Thanks
02-Jan-2011 08:42:12