Its difficult to see you leave Jagex. You have been such a player advocate for us. Having fallen in love with the Rs community long before you ever worked for Jagex, you kept the best interest of the players at the forefront. It was with great pride, that I watched you rise within the hierarchy of the company, knowing that one of "us" was impacting decisions for the present and future of the game.
Who could ever forget the intermission video on the livestream with Mod Mark and MMG? You knew the community would enjoy it and took the risk for us, despite knowing a couple of influential people might not. You paid the price at the Christmas video event with a pie to the face, (#paybackssuck). We learned to recognize you and your giggle, despite your best efforts to stay off camera. Through your long hours of polish and sparkle, the projects you touched, made them worthwhile to listen, to watch, and to attend. Pure Jane.
Your nonstop mentioning of the dire need for an off-hand rubber chicken, finally broke the dev team, and voila! Peace reigned once again in the Jagex office, and we had a new rubber chicken in game!
One of the craziest events in Rs history had your hand in the center of it, a 4 hour+ 99s party all over the world of Gielinor. I'll never forget it. It forged a lifelong friendship.
Your loyalty to the players, as well as, your enthusiasm and infectious energy will be sorely missed by all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for me and for all of the players in Runescape. I hope your co-workers can carry on the legacy you leave with them.
Best of luck in all your next adventures Jane!
Ali <3
11-May-2015 18:13:56