Brainstorm time. What is the purpose of this FC other employee FC's did not already accommodate, prior? So the player voluntary staff can now receive a little more grasps of recognition? Do not misunderstand me, I am all for community get-togethers -- Thought usually the wrong crowd attends in high numbers. I am just of the few seemingly not scared to call out what I see. Spiffy classification though, I suppose.
although we're open for March if you wanna try again later around mid/late February! We'll aim to see what we can do to support player events!
Sounds good, I'm still exploring the idea and I'll get back to you then.
Nick 1
Brainstorm time. What is the purpose of this FC other employee FC's did not already accommodate, prior? So the player voluntary staff can now receive a little more grasps of recognition? Do not misunderstand me, I am all for community get-togethers -- Thought usually the wrong crowd attends in high numbers. I am just of the few seemingly not scared to call out what I see. Spiffy classification though, I suppose.
This has been in the planning for a while now. 'Mod Events' was established as a central chat for *most* events to accommodate both JMod AND PMod events. Whilst there are no major differences between this FC and another JMod's FC, it just makes it easier for players to remember the one FC - 'Mod Events'.
Should you wish to continue this discussion, please don't hesitate to contact one of the ranks on page 1. This thread should only be used to discuss events.
I got another question, what's the difference between this thread and
Player and P-Mod Events
PsP are a group supported by and work in collaboration with Jagex CM team. RuneScape Outreach are a community of players and PMods who provide events for their clan and the community as other clans may.
Chief Elf
Just to clarify, is this strictly a Player-Mod hosted event, as in, only players mods are allowed to host? I have planned a few events in mind and I do want to host it probably on a monthly basis or so, but I think I have to find the right medium for more support.
Hiya, to clarify. We are the Event "Support" Team which means we create our own events, support JMods' events, as well as look out for some amazing events players come up with. However do not accept requests nor can we assist with regular events. We just check out what's already out there and try to support a few of them any way we can.
However, feel free to make your event in the Events - Regular and Ongoing section and talk with Dibs or Ignore List about potential assistance with promotion over Social Media. I'm sure they'd be able to do something for you.
There is an alternate idea, if you were to just simply make an event that's not on-going with a great concept and structure behind it. We can review it and check into supporting that at a later time. Currently we're filled up from now to end of February, sorry!
I followed a link on twitter from Runescape which says "Want help organising your in-game events? Our Pmod team are there to help!"
You might want to suggest they change their wording if gaining help in organising events is not an option.
Some of the events here sound like fun. i do like the idea of the item clue game. If I am on at the time I might join in.