Forum Video Guide
Hey there,
We need a Forum Video Guide, and we're looking for volunteers to create it for us! This will be our official guide to the forums, particularly aimed at new arrivals.
So, for you creative video makers out there, here's what we'd like to see included (not in order of importance, but all of these should have a section in the video):
- Show and give a brief explain for each of the forum sections (emphasis on the Customer support forum)
- Quickfind codes, where they are and how to use them.
- QFC paste space also being a search function for text.
- Explanation of sticky threads
- What are and how to use "Jump to thread, Search threads, Search Users, Code of Conduct, My Profile" effectively.
- Where to report problems (Forum help) and the Highlight feature (sends report to Jagex, not FMods)
- Tips and tricks of the forums ( BBCode , Colours, quoting posts, etc).
- Language forums and how to get to them
- Anything else you feel should be included
We're looking for the video to be somewhere from 6-8 minutes long, and plan for it to be on the RuneScape Youtube as well as stickied on a busy forum, probably general. This will be an instructional guide to send newcomers to, or for those who wish to know more about the forums.
One winner will be selected and their video will be used by us. They will win:
- £20 RuneScape gift card
- RuneScape goody bag, including signed concept art
- Your name credited where we use your video
To enter, once your video is created please upload it to YouTube and send the link, with your display name, to [email protected] with the title "Forum Video Guide competition".
The competition closes on the 20th February , and competition terms and conditions can be found here . We reserve the right to not use the winning video if it doesn't meet a required standard for Jagex to use.
If you have any questions or queries about the forums or what needs to be included, several FMods have volunteered to be available in-game and on this thread to answer you. Leave a post here or get in touch with any of the following when they're in-game:
Quest Luke
Risk Wizard
Good luck, please spread the word, and thanks for taking part!

Product Manager | @JagexKalaya
15-Jan-2015 14:23:38 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2015 14:34:26 by Mod Kalaya