Pretty cool seeing the community come together and support these causes financially
. Hopefully their victims truly appreciate it, as well. I will also be interested to see what Oxfam raises. I have yet to donate towards there, but I would like to soon.
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- Ornery Onions -
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Hope u never complain you're not getting enough income Jagex, you're throwing it away! (for a good cause, but as a game company, the game needs to be the first priority)
So much wrong with this post, where to start...
Corporate tax in the UK is at least 15%, to which this is a write-off (it is subtracted from their tax bill at the end of the year). It costs them nothing because they're already paying out that money anyway, it's just going to a good cause instead of the countries coffers.
Not to mention this has the knock-on effect of helping the economy in Runescape by combating inflation. 512B out of the game is a *good* thing as it makes every other gold piece in the game that much more valuable.
Edit: Example: A soda in 1948 was 5 cents while a soda in 2014 is 99 cents; is the soda more valuable in 2014? No. Each cent carries less weight because we have more of them. Basic economics.
04-Dec-2014 17:19:39
- Last edited on
04-Dec-2014 17:29:54
Corporate tax in the UK is at least 15%, to which this is a write-off (it is subtracted from their tax bill at the end of the year). It costs them nothing because they're already paying out that money anyway, it's just going to a good cause instead of the countries coffers.
this is just wrong- why do people think that by companies donating to charity it costs them nothing or somehow benefits the company? the money they donate is taken out of their
- while also reducing their tax bill it also reduces their profits by more.
Hope u never complain you're not getting enough income Jagex, you're throwing it away! (for a good cause, but as a game company, the game needs to be the first priority)
So much wrong with this post, where to start...
Corporate tax in the UK is at least 15%, to which this is a write-off (it is subtracted from their tax bill at the end of the year). It costs them nothing because they're already paying out that money anyway, it's just going to a good cause instead of the countries coffers.
Not to mention this has the knock-on effect of helping the economy in Runescape by combating inflation. 512B out of the game is a *good* thing as it makes every other gold piece in the game that much more valuable.
Edit: Example: A soda in 1948 was 5 cents while a soda in 2014 is 99 cents; is the soda more valuable in 2014? No. Each cent carries less weight because we have more of them. Basic economics.
I doubt the tax reaches 160k dolars. Secondly, they can combat inflation by *many* other means, like they did with Meilyr potion recipes and instances. If they want to donate to charity so bad (and also doing the tax-evasion thing you said), do it as they are now, with bond-only donations. This way they can shut up about stuff being too expensive later, like voiceacting and lore book translation. Don't be frivolous, "Basic economics". 1/4 of the actual wealth was donated, people donated only junk like crystal items, shards, dyes, etc. This was pathetic.
who cares if they get a tax break lots of companies do this! besides it's for a good cause! I contributed 5 bonds to oxfam thing! The only reason I don't donate more is that I literally don't have enough gold left even if I sold everything sellable in my bank!
who cares if they get a tax break lots of companies do this! besides it's for a good cause! I contributed 5 bonds to oxfam thing! The only reason I don't donate more is that I literally don't have enough gold left even if I sold everything sellable in my bank!
It's ok if they donate, as long as it's a bond-only thing like with Oxfam, this way they don't waste cash and complain later, leaving us with horrible content and with membership price increased.
yeah but bonds are expensive at least with the well you just donate coins or items! not all of us have that much money to spend! I only had it because I rarely ever clean my bank out!