
RuneFest’s Big Reveals

Quick find code: 254-255-410-65496148



Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zamorak Heist

Hmm...mysterious. I love the voting system for deciding the team members. I personally would prefer a "deadly serious" team as oppose to "comical" one.

Elder Gods

I'm too freaking excited for this. A spell that teleports the abyss into Gielenor??? O_o But in all seriousness, introduction of Elder Gods is going to add a whole new dimension to the game. I love the current Gods, BUT this will be great. I'm also happy you chose to design the quest around detection as oppose to battle. It's probably the best way to open up a brand new quest series.

Christmas 2014

Wonderful! I loved the first Gielenor Games so I have high hopes for this one. "We’ve also got world event sized giant crackers, that can be pulled by armies of players to reach the goodies inside." Yes world event!!!

Ports Expansion

So ports is most likely the only piece of content I haven't played/researched/watched a video of. Something that will certainly bring me to this aspect of the game is if this statement is true: "skill focus to be centred on agility, dungeoneering and divination." Let's be honest here, agility sucks. It's by far the most repetitive, brain-melting skill to train. A huge revival could be used on agility. And for the amount of benefits to having a high agility level, it would bode well with a slight expansion through ports. As for dungeoneering, why the heck not? I already love dungeoneering, and if you can implement something along the lines of caving in the Eastern Lands as a second branch of dungeoneering ("unexplored islands in the Eastern Lands, enter sea monster grottos, find hidden tombs and treasures" ), I can only imagine how sweet it would be. As for divination, I have no idea what kind of ideas you have for the skill in ports, so I'd love to see some expansion on this concept.


12-Oct-2014 18:03:31 - Last edited on 12-Oct-2014 18:35:22 by Jiste

Lumen Vector
Aug Member 2023

Lumen Vector

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WOO! 200th quest and Ports expansion HYPE :)

I don't know how I feel about chronicle and hope Jagex isn't just getting on the tgc moneytrain.

I can see your reasons for rethinking inventor. I voted for elf city only because I wanted it first and I definitely wanted inventor.

and... Tuska looks epic, good stuff for 2015 :)

12-Oct-2014 18:17:40



Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chronicle: Runescape Legends

Card games aren't personally my thing, but it could be fun. I just hope it doesn't draw any focus from the game itself.


Yes Jagex, whatever did happen to HTML5. I'm glad you finally brought to light the reality of the situation. There is no shame in being unable to develop adequate browser technology that runs HTML5, but keeping it on the down low for this long kind of makes me question your motives with this sort of update. Either way though, definitely find something that works. This game has the potential to look very stunning graphically. "We are not quite feature-complete yet, but we hope to be ready to let you have a beta of this in a few months or so." Well darn. Oh well, I'm looking forward to it eventually.

Valley of the Dead

*sigh* This is where I'm extremely disappointed. This idea pitch was brilliant, and I remember getting so hyped for it. I know your reasoning is primarily due to Ironman and this quote: "it makes more sense to try and work on what we have rather than try to start from scratch", but don't scrap the idea, please. Also, this next statement is an aside, but something you wrote got me thinking. You're looking into adding roaming wilderness bosses, which is a great idea! BUT I would caution you (and I hope other players would too) to not forget about what made pking back in the day so great. A large number of people appreciate the simplistic pking style The wilderness certainly isn't reserved for pking, but it seems that the introduction of Legacy didn't really bring much life back to the wilderness. Roaming bosses are wonderful, but player killing is better. Legacy shouldn't be an alternate combat mode, it should function as an alternate way to play the game entirely. All that goes to say you should focus on reworking the functionality of legacy in the wilderness before throwing all your energy into roaming bosses...

12-Oct-2014 18:18:55



Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile for the other suggestions you mention, such as minimap dot hiding and chase/escape methods, you should look into a poll for this RIGHT NOW. Just throw some ideas out there and see what the players like.


See, I wasn't really sure how I felt about Inventor until I read this. I want the skill very badly (as do many other people). But I would actually agree with the following suggestion, "Why don’t we add to and enrich existing skills, rather than just ignoring them in favour of a new skill?". So here's an idea. I believe the whole premise of the inventor skill should be to inject life back into the old skills. Seeing it as a method for expanding creativity when training, why should it be limited to skills like crafting and smithing? Some skills (such as firemaking, agility, divination, construction, and runecrafting before Runespan), have one way to train them. That's extremely monotonous, and the inventor skill should be seen as a chance to fix this. Don't scrap it, please ^_^

World Events

Tuska hype is too real right now. A thousand times yes.


"...including another god wars dungeon" expand pl0x.
Ironman hype is also too real. I just hope it actually comes out on Monday. I've always had respect for self-sufficient accounts, but implementing the concept into the game code is exactly what this game needs to reestablish itself for the veteran players who are close to the game, and offer an interesting alternative for new players who like a challenge. The economy is crap, quite honestly :P

Last thing I want to say is "Let’s shape our game together."

12-Oct-2014 18:32:25



Posts: 101 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am excited over all the new content!

But as for the transition to HTML5; I would prefer the beta to be open a lot longer than normal. Sometimes you guys just miss little bugs here and there that really make new updates disappointing.

For example the familiar update is probably one of the best you guys have had all year but it still has a few bugs. The major one is the withdrawing items from bank directly to beast of burdens. It doesn't work and that really leaves a frustrated feeling when playing.

Still next year is looking to be great :) I look forward to great work jagex

12-Oct-2014 20:44:49

Sep Member 2008


Posts: 307 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

So excited for the next year! So much great stuff coming down the line!! :D :D :D


I liked that you mentioned putting some attention towards already-existing skills, instead of just focusing on a new one. While I wouldn't oppose a new skill by any stretch, I would very much like to see reworks of some existing, and very-broken (smithing and mining) or under-used and under-appreciated (Construction) skills. I would definitely vote for those reworks over Inventor any day.

Everything else looks super epic though. I can't wait for the next world event, am excited about the ports expansion, am really looking forward to the 200th quest and.....geez, practically everything.

Keep up the good work! :D
I can cut through steel. How much of a chance do you really think you have? Think carefully...

12-Oct-2014 21:11:11

Sep Member 2008


Posts: 307 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Flashaway said :
Here is a thought. Why don't we stop all of the combat and boss updates next year or only have one or 2. Not everyone enjoys combat and wants to fight to make good money a hour. Each time you release a boss update it devalues other items in the game as the new boss must be hardest in the game and have new weapons that must have the best stats in the game. Over time there will be no room for updating weapons as there will be a limit (99 armor and weapons). SLOW DOWN! as we are now up to level 90. If you released new level 95 weapons tomorrow. The demand for lower level weapons will get less and less. Over time monsters start to drop worthless stuff look at Abby demons and Dark Beats. To fix this Jagex have to make constant patches of drop table reworks to try to restore some balance.

This takes weeks away from development and if the people were in favor of this we could acturly see all of the skills being improved and the inventors skill. But, it may seem an extreme idea to people. What do you think?


I am sick and tired of practically 90% (obv not actually this much, being facetious) of the updates to the game being combat updates. I, along with many other people, do not enjoy combat, do not intend to boss, and therefore get very frustrated when it seems like all that Jagex cares about is more combat refinements and harder bosses.

Please, bossers and combat-lovers, realize that there are people that play this game that enjoy aspects of it that are different from what you crave, and allow us to have a few updates that appeal to us.

I really hope to see more updates this year that are not combat-centered, and have more to do with skilling, lore, questing, etc. Thanks! :D
I can cut through steel. How much of a chance do you really think you have? Think carefully...

12-Oct-2014 21:22:25



Posts: 82 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My problem with Inventor was, while the uses of it look great, I didnt see how you could train it. Nobody goes to school to be an inventor. You go to school for something else and gain skills in other stuff and then through using those skills you see a new way to do something for that field. Gameplay mechanic wise that would equate togaining inventor xp randomly while doing other skills, maybe after chugging a bottle of divine energy to set the mood.

I know the intent of Inventor was to companion to Divination but I think Inventor doesn't need to be a separate skill but instead expand the utility of Divination. Div is technically companion to many of the skills already. By the sound of it, Inv was going to be companion to some other skills via Div, so why not cut out the middleman and make Div companion to more/all skills?

Also, Skill reworks please.

Finally, I cant wait for runelab. I have a pretty heavy idea that, while it would require even more work than Prifddinas, would be epic

12-Oct-2014 21:29:56



Posts: 82 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
RoronoaZoro said :
Flashaway said :
Here is a thought. Why don't we stop all of the combat and boss updates next year or only have one or 2. Not everyone enjoys combat and wants to fight to make good money a hour. Each time you release a boss update it devalues other items in the game as the new boss must be hardest in the game and have new weapons that must have the best stats in the game. Over time there will be no room for updating weapons as there will be a limit (99 armor and weapons). SLOW DOWN! as we are now up to level 90. If you released new level 95 weapons tomorrow. The demand for lower level weapons will get less and less. Over time monsters start to drop worthless stuff look at Abby demons and Dark Beats. To fix this Jagex have to make constant patches of drop table reworks to try to restore some balance.

This takes weeks away from development and if the people were in favor of this we could acturly see all of the skills being improved and the inventors skill. But, it may seem an extreme idea to people. What do you think?


I am sick and tired of practically 90% (obv not actually this much, being facetious) of the updates to the game being combat updates. I, along with many other people, do not enjoy combat, do not intend to boss, and therefore get very frustrated when it seems like all that Jagex cares about is more combat refinements and harder bosses.

Please, bossers and combat-lovers, realize that there are people that play this game that enjoy aspects of it that are different from what you crave, and allow us to have a few updates that appeal to us.

I really hope to see more updates this year that are not combat-centered, and have more to do with skilling, lore, questing, etc. Thanks! :D

Make 2015 the Year of Peace! No combat updates!

12-Oct-2014 21:32:56

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