Mod Balance
The name i was after, was taken by a level 3, most likely a name hoarder. Thats not exactly fair....
You need a minimum total level of 1,000 to take a name today - so the level 3 must'** been quite a skilled player****;small><center>
<img src="http://services.runescape.***/m=rswikiimages/en/2014/2/Jmod_crown-17095506.png"/><b>Mod Balance</b>
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All the ppl who took names they took from hero interface and im oldschool player and I cannot even click on hero interface its says i need 1k total lvl in rs3 that is fail .. its not fair. and the website isnt working dont tell me keep trying server is crashed only hero interface working and osrs players cannot access it ty jagex
This is going horribly for me... Every time I get the name confirmation screen and I press accept it lags out or I get 404 - page not found error...
Really want the name I've already confirmed five times lol....
Didn't get the name I originally wanted, even though it was available when I originally asked for it (Doctor), but got this one...It only took about 10 minutes of error messages before getting through.
This name was taken 13 seconds after we released the names. It's very likely that you were both requesting the same name at the same time, and the other player made their request very slightly before you, so was given the name.
Sorry, but it's likely that common words like that will attract a lot of interest, and competition.
Mod Rascasse
Guys, I'm not sure if this means anything but I was in world 85 and couldn't even open the name change section, then I hopped to world 23, opened it and changed name on first try.
If the name changer isn't working for you try hopping to a different world.
(Cannot guarantee this works, but it worked for me, might be coincidence, I am not to be held responsible if it doesn't work for you, I'm just trying to help, good luck guys.)