Well so far I'm off to a good start.
I have one question though does the word TehNoobShow have to be noticeable or can it be in small text?
Sir Kaydian
omg omg omg omg it's noble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, also I just entered mine and if you guys are open to suggestions then I have one. Maybe( I know it'd be difficult) a reply email just saying that you recieved the entry just to make sure we entered the subject right and everything looks ok.
Sounds interesting, might enter if I have time.
Although I wonder why every other RS vid maker out there doesn't deserve the same advertisement you are all pouring out to Tehnoobshow >.>...
Good morning! =)
Yay, questions!
, the video will indeed be hosted on our very own youtube channel so yep, the link will be to www.youtube.com/runescape.
Master Whys
, Either is great, if you've done both, double great.
Ajay Nicole
, For the title, as long as you have "RuneScape Gods Exposed" and something to show it's the 10th episode, you're all good. So whether that's "chapter 10, Ep 10, Pt 10" or whatever, that's fine. As for the theme, well, I'd say that going with the theme of the RuneScape Gods Exposed series is the way to go. If you have a look at previous episodes, that should give you some ideas.
, the email address you need send your entry to is [email protected]. We've got our own email thing so no, it's not yahoomail, gmail, monkeymail or anything like that. If you add your file as an attachment to an email and send it to that address, we'll get your entry for sure. =)
, unless you've a well trained carrier pigeon or you want to fork out for a courier, I'd say that email is the best way to get your entry to us. I'm pretty sure that you're able to add a picture as an attachment to any email so if you're having problems, maybe the file size is too big for your email provider? or perhaps you're cutting and pasting the image in rather than adding it as an attachment?
A3 and A4 are paper measurements. A postcard is normally A5, double that and you get A4 (common to a lot of note pads) and A3 is double that and is quite often used for smaller posters. If you do a quick search for paper sizes on a popular search engine that rhymes with doogle, you'll see what I mean.
1280x800 should be fine I think and don't worry about a watermark, we're not creating legal documents here.
Good luck!
, yes maybe that's something we should look at although to be honest, unless you get a "mail undeliverable" message, you can safely assume that your mail has arrived ok.
, we're working with Tehnoobshow because we often chat and between us, came up with the idea for the competition. If there's another film maker out there who comes up with another great idea for a comp, we'd be happy to perhaps work with them in the future too!
The Taunter
, If there's someone you think is a great film maker who we should be in touch with, let us know via the youtube channel so we can check them out. Like I say above though, we didn't pick Tehnoobshow out of all the video makers out there choosing to give him attention, it's a collaborative effort so if a good video maker comes to us with a good idea, we'd sure look at how we could make that idea happen. Fair enough?
Thanks for your questions guys, if you've any more, bring 'em on and we'll be happy to answer. =)
Have a great day everyone!
Paul M