Awsomness, 2nd post on 3rd page!
Also that sounds like fun too. I'll get my art skills ready
, good luck to all.
Also for this do you use the [rpgramm 'art;? Or any other program on your computer you have availible to you?
29-Nov-2010 20:53:58
- Last edited on
29-Nov-2010 20:54:40
og osrs Bob
Dear Jagex Moderators... (Mod Paul M, etc.)
I have an Important question:
"is this like as movie poster? like in a movie theater, or the thumbnail on a youtube video?"
@Joester381 if you know where the lady/man is that changes your gender go there and a photobooth is nearby - you should be able to see it - go in there and you can take a picture that will be displayed on the forums and adventurers log.
NOTE: members only.
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