oh, I never expected a competition like this xD maybe I will try it after making the christmas one ;P
btw Paul you said:
"How big does my poster need to be?
It would be good to be able to blow up to A3 size (that’s double the size of A4!) for print outs. Having said that, it’s going to be viewed on a screen mostly so something that looks good on A4 is fine."
if you are going to print it I think you should ask only for a A3 o.o. Changing it to A4 is easy but it will look all blury and bad quality if it is the other way. Also it is recomended to get a 300 resolution for a printing.
How fustrating it can be that after the work done get a bad quality poster because a size issue.
Well it is my opinion ;$ Im not saying you shouldnt accept small entries, but I think you should recomed the A3 where rules are explained. I know not everyone knows about these settings, but it could be a good time to investigate, try them and learn a bit more ;P
30-Nov-2010 13:24:18