
Moderation Review Thread Thread is locked

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17-Oct-2014 13:03:21

Mod Neena

Mod Neena

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Sandia11 - hey, I looked at the post and can see that quite a few comments were made against the F-mod that was hiding the posts. The details are currently being investigated by our team but in regards to your post being hidden, it was for the right reason. If you have an issue with another F-mod, it is better for it to be mentioned here and not mentioned in a negative way on a thread that they are trying to moderate. Thanks.

Le Blainy - unless you have a specific example you would like us to look at, we haven't seen anything from that player as of yet for a reason to remove them from the forums. If you can see a time they have broken any of the Forum Rules, please do let us know so we can look into it thanks. =)

Konota - this is something that is being looked into and our team will take action if necessary. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Jokku23 - It does look like she's listed the evidence pretty clearly. I can imagine what it's like, you're browsing through the forums and see something that no one has commented/posted on in a while and decide to post. Sadly, she has a point. Maybe you should either try and play the games that are a little more active or wait till they disappear and come up with a better game to make it more engaging? I'll pass this on to Mod Kalaya just incase she wants to consider re-wording the Forum Rules. =)

Rexie - Hey, I have passed this onto Mod Kalaya to review. If she agrees, she will remove and unlock. I can see that you were just sharing your thoughts and opinions but it did seem to attract some unwanted arguments so maybe she locked it for this reason, but we'll look into it. Thanks.

Sweetiepiee - I believe your initial post was hidden because you mentioned being banned and the Fmod asked nicely for you not to refer to an in-game status. If you were referring to something else, this may not have been made clear which is why she hid the first post. I have looked at the other posts on that thread and although I do believe that you were trying to stay on topic, the way you addressed your hidden posts may have caused flaming on the forums. If you have an issue with a post being hidden, I understand that you may want to explain it but just be wary of how it may have come across to the mod in question. In future, please post on this thread and we'll look into it for you. Thank you.

PS. I think they only said not to post again just because when you were replying to any Fmods hiding your posts it appeared that you weren't sticking to the topic of the thread. I think just a mis-understanding. Just be more wary next time. =)

Coeden - we're looking into this thanks.

Soupreme - nice RSN btw. Is this on a thread somewhere? If you could stick to the format that Mod Infinity uses in the first post, it will really help us find the issue and help resolve it more efficiently. If you are referring to a P-Mod in game, you can report them as normal for abusing powers and our team will look into it. Thanks.

A Godsword - I did see some swearing in there (although not said in an offensive way) and although every thread that had a link in there was hidden it did look like someone would have had to keep a close eye on it to make sure they weren't posted again. I think the right call was made on this occasion and hopefully you got some of the input/answers that you needed before the thread was locked.

Drache302 - I can't find the threads you posted. =( . I've passed the details onto our team though so they'll be keeping a close eye if any similar behavior continues.

SR71 - Thanks for posting but it looks like this F-mod was following procedure. Grave-bumping isn't something that we encourage. I'll pass this onto the team for review but it's more the issue rather than the F-mod on this occasion. Thanks.

Ragga Bomb - Thanks for your message. I can see how you would be offended by this, I genuinely think that this may have either been mis-read/mis-worded or he was getting you confused with someone else. I have passed it on to be looked at though, hopefully he's given you the answer you need? I don't think his intention was to imply you were being untruthful.

Slay Clan - Sadly we can't change it but maybe you could re-title yours to 'The Real...' or you could even try contacting them and asking them to change their name?

Eu - Thanks for passing this on. Although I agree that it is in the off-topic forums, I can imagine it could be a sensitive issue for some and should they see it and feel sensitive towards it, it could affect someone IRL.

I appreciate that this is a mature and informative discussion but it is probably best to be left in its current state just in case it does escalate and it turns out that someone is offended or upset by any of the comments made on there. It is a very serious matter and I personally feel that if someone who had the condition read through it and felt upset by a comment made on there, that could affect them and we wouldn't want that. I've read through the discussion so far and it all looks okay, but I can imagine if one person says the wrong thing, it could perhaps be escalated very quickly.

Lnkmiegel - this thread was locked for the right reasons. We have the Moderation review thread to identify specific issues that need to be resolved and reviewed. As I've mentioned in previous posts, all F-mods and P-mods are all different people and have different personalities. Although we have guidelines in place that they do adhere to it is possible what one Mod may find offensive, others may not. By having this thread for you to post on and this system in place, we can review it and get in touch with those responsible. By creating a thread or posting negatively about moderators that take time out of their day to moderate isn't something that we encourage. We'll happily review every situation you send to us but negative comments will not help the situation. Thanks.

Thanks to all of you that linked the thread I had to review - made it much easier to find the issue!

I think I still have a few more to go but I'll post these first.

Thanks for your patience all!

- Mod Neena -
Community Manager
Marketing Campaign Executive

17-Oct-2014 15:35:04

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