
Moderation Review Thread Thread is locked

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12-Sep-2014 12:12:20

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12-Sep-2014 15:06:01

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12-Sep-2014 17:09:02

Mod Neena

Mod Neena

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Hey all,

Thanks for all your posts. =)

@Black Magic - I've contacted the Mod in question and asked them to edit the post. I don't think that this was intentional but I understand what you're saying. =)

I'm sorry it took them a little longer to get back to you, the Forums can get a little busy at times and it is possible that he did check it and didn't get to update it till later. Thanks for understanding and I'm sure if they knew how much this affected your post, he would have used more tact. Hopefully they will change their post after they see their message - thank you.

@Forum TroII - thank you for sharing your opinion. Ideally examples of this would be helpful as it is difficult to understand where problems are occurring if we can't see them. If you feel that there is a particular post that needs reviewing, please let us know. =)

@Guttthix - thanks, I've changed his name to something way more interesting. =D
In future, I advise using the Report feature in game so that it goes to the relevant team, if he's been breaking any rules, the team will also be able to take the necessary action. Thanks.

@Sanotsuto - thanks for letting us know about this. It looks like it may have been done on accident - I've now unhidden this for you

@Fezzz - I'm glad to you see that this was not intentional. He did say sorry in that last part though.

@NotBlainy - If a Mod reports you, it will be overseen by one of us in the team. Admittedly, I understand where they are coming from, although I can see that you're not the same user, you haven't made it easy on yourself and will probably get a lot of attention (and sadly not the right kind).

@Wilf - 1st post: any particular thread or post you are referring to?
2nd post: This post is not really what this thread is about. If you look at Mod Infinity's original post:

"This thread can only be used for the following:

✔ Forum Moderator complaints – if you feel an FMod has acted inappropriately or abused their power

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Forum Moderator involved:
Summary of issue:

All posts made on this topic are automatically hidden and are viewable to Jagex Moderators only. If appropriate you may receive a follow up inbox message when you submit a report, so check your game message centre regularly."

You need to go to Forum Help thread. Quick find code: 254-255-381-65439205

@Vegapunk - I understand your concern, sadly due to to the Data Protection Act 1998 , we're unable to reveal any information about another players account or their activity in game. This might have been the reason an F-Mod locked your account initially. Adding them to your friends list is a good idea, that way you can see when they're in game. =)

@I am Death - sadly you can't link to Imgur on here. The Mod was correct in hiding these on this occasion.

@Stoat King - thanks for sharing but it looks as though it was heading towards a rant and I could see the F-mod in question was taking the necessary action for anyone in breach of the Forum Rules.

@Jokku23 - thanks for letting us know about this, we're looking into this now. Sorry to hear that your thread was locked, hopefully we'll be able to contact the Mod responsible. =)

@Gwynrwyn thank you for bringing that to our attention, I have passed this on to our Forum Curator Moderator to look into. Thanks.

@IdPrefrFox - We've looked at this thread and can see the F-Mod was right in their decision. I can see both points but this was addressed before fuel was added to the fire.

@Cairo - The best place for you to post is the Forum Help thread. Quick find code: 254-255-381-65439205

@2squrls-1nut - thank you for your concern, I appreciate that the F-Mod in question may have believed that this was the case at the time. Either way, this was an issue that should have not discussed further so the thread is right to be locked on this occasion.

@Ebram 72 - As stated in the Forum rules, duplicate threads are against the rules and the F-Mod was right in locking this thread if you have one already.

Thanks again all - I hope you all have a good weekend. =)

EDIT: I can see some were added whilst I was working on these.

- Mod Neena -
Community Manager
Marketing Campaign Executive

12-Sep-2014 17:58:02 - Last edited on 12-Sep-2014 18:06:28 by Mod Neena

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12-Sep-2014 20:27:47

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12-Sep-2014 23:03:23

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12-Sep-2014 23:21:36

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13-Sep-2014 03:47:47

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