
Moderation Review Thread Thread is locked

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21-Jul-2014 20:45:01

Mod Selfie

Mod Selfie

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Here's everything up to and including page 18. The rest will come later.

CD_Paladin_C – It was the negative discussion of the rhinos which was the problem. The correct action was taken.

Le Ninja Bro & Gnuispir8 – I really don’t see how the 2 games differ. Locking the thread was the correct decision. I’ll be happy to discuss this with either of you if you catch me in game.

S z – Thread has been dealt with & locked.

Aaron Sears2 – Correctly moved. The thread is a discussion offering feedback and suggestions about the content.

Forum Legend – I will look to getting a post up soon clearing the the stance on this. Duplicate or spam threads aren't permitted.

I Maxed Cash – The reason your thread was locked is because it’s a duplicate of a thread that already existed.

S z – The concern with that thread is that there is no restriction on how many times you can post in a row, effectively meaning people can spam up as much as they like. I’ve seen you’ve had a few posts here regarding this matter, so I’d be happy to discuss this with you in game if you see me online.

Korkel – Yes, you spammed. Correct decision by the moderator.

Jokku23 – It’s clear that the thread was designed for one person. The lock decision was correct.

Saxo – The moderator said nothing wrong. Correct decision. I will pass it on to get a second opinion though.

Lady Zion – You’ve not provided a QFC, I can’t help with that. I cannot discuss another player’s account with you either.

ChillWithMe – Apologies, the thread appears to have fallen off page 50 though because I’ve not had much opportunity to check these posts. I therefore won’t be able to review this unfortunately.

Zoj – The post wasn’t following the rules of the thread. I have no problems with the decision made by the moderator.

Krisimay – I believe I’ve dealt with this since you posted it, if I haven’t let me know! :)

Wynd – Appears to have all been taken care of!

Froud – This is definitely the type of thing you should report here, give as much detail as you can and I’ll review it. Also, thanks a lot haha :)

Anti-Unicorn – No, you were trolling and you were fully aware of it.

Warlock – I think it’s the first sentence that caused confusion. As the topic stems from Legacy mode though, I can understand why it was moved.

Jokku23 – I will look into getting this clarified.

Korkel – It’s nice to see you only wanted to help, but a pinned thread for that isn’t necessary.

Wilf – It was indeed the following comment that led to your post being hidden. There is no problem with people discussing things like Reddit.

Maleflcent – I’ve already replied to this above. The decision was correct. With regards to your following post, the text colour wouldn’t be available if it was hard to read. I’d advise using your computer’s accessibility features if you’re having trouble reading certain text. The moderator in question was merely suggesting you have your vision tested if you’re having difficulty reading certain colours on a dark background.

Packin Skoal – If you’re referring to the thread you metioned in your other post, then it has been moved to where it’s better suited. The thread is focused on providing feedback, discussion and suggestions about it.

Mod Selfie
Community Management
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22-Jul-2014 13:48:59

Mod Selfie

Mod Selfie

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Forum Legend – As the moderator has said, the same is encouraging consecutive posting by the same user, which is not permitted. Correct action.

Robs – Your post wasn’t really appropriate, that’s why it was hidden. I cannot comment on the issues you’ve raised, but you’re more than welcome to create a new thread which address the problems more appropriately.

Girrocks – The forum moderator wasn’t calling people by that term, that was the name of a player. There was definitely a call for them to be removed after what they posted.

FedFeddFeddy – This is not the place to ask for assistance. Please use the appropriate channels to request help.

Trooper Pyro – I’ve unhidden your post. I didn’t see a problem with the content, there’s nothing harmful in there.

Zelda – I did raise this with him after he did it for similar reasons to yourself. We wouldn’t have given the information to the player unless we were 100% sure there was no malicious intent involved.

Imsohawtbaby – It’s not really the type of discussion we want on these forums. Also could be argued you took up 9 posts for content that could’ve fit on 1 or 2.

Alt Codes – As the moderator said, we have no way of determining the safety of content off-site. That is why we have the rule in place, which is why your post was hidden.

GoldenSun3DS – Your thread could’ve been locked for any number of reasons. Wrong section? Excessive number of reserves? And as another user put, what you’ve suggested is something we don’t want to encourage.

Lord Mengha – There is nothing wrong with what the moderator said.

Miss Kizmo – I’ve personally reviewed everything you’ve posted on this thread. Although from what I’ve just read it does appear you’re admitting to using another account to evade a forum ban..

Zoj – The thread was gravebumped, the decision made by the moderator was fine.

Lady Zion – This is not the place to ask for account help, please use the appropriate channels for that, as it clearly says in big red letters on the first post.

zZ Suz Zz – You’ve not provided me with any QFC examples to review.

Warlock – There was very little actual discussion coming out of it. Perhaps a more constructive most on the topic would be a better approach?

Accomplishes – You are indeed allowed to post your Twitter names on the forums, provided it is just the account name and the account has no malicious content.

Jokku23 – The moderator has stated our stance on this matter. We feel this is better for the Forum Games section.

Albys – Please reread the first post of this thread.

Forum Legend – I used to do this daily/every other day. Very rarely a problem.

Masa Bahamut – I’ll make sure this is communicated to the moderator.

Prithee – While it was a constructive thread, as the moderator pointed out, it did begin to talk about the phasing out of our main combat system, which is something we aren’t going to do. Follow the advice of the moderator on this one.

Lnkmiegel – Could you provide me with some examples?

Mod Selfie
Community Management
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22-Jul-2014 15:48:08

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22-Jul-2014 19:50:07

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