
Moderation Review Thread Thread is locked

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06-Jul-2014 11:14:36

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06-Jul-2014 23:12:05

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07-Jul-2014 10:26:59

Mod Selfie

Mod Selfie

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
I Ownage l – I have sent you an inbox message.

Krisimay – Apologies, it appears I did get confused! I will monitor the thread and send them a message.

Packin Skoal – This sort of thing should be posted in the Forum Help thread.

Korkel – I have sent you an inbox message.

Lady zion – The thread will remain locked. A new thread has already been created with permission from the original owner.

Not Mediocre – I will look in to why this was hidden. I can’t see anything immediately wrong with your post.

Hardman Syro – All mutes and bans are reviewed and only applied if necessary. Please use the appropriate appeal system rather than using another account to dispute the action.

– I will get an inbox message out to you tomorrow. In the meantime, you’re welcome to recreate your thread. Given the number of hidden posts, unlocking the existing thread probably wouldn’t be the best option.

Monk3y K1ng – Please post this in the Forum Help thread. This thread is for complaining if you feel a forum moderator has abused their power, or acted in an inappropriate manner. I will keep an eye on the account though.

I Maxed Cash – Thanks very much! :)

Krisimay – I will fully investigate this all for you now. I’ll probably send you a follow up inbox message after I’ve finished.

Mod Selfie
Community Management
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07-Jul-2014 16:28:19

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