After doing a large dungeon that usually takes 30 mins, many people are getting disconections just before the dungeon end, so people is not getting any tokens or exp when this happen so many people go like "**** this game" please find a way to give players exp and token when they get Disconection just before the dungeon ends or a % based on how much time did he spent in the dungeon.
I'm enjoying the double tokens, many of my friends and clan mates have been more willing to go dungeoneering with me because of the bonuses. I always enjoy dungeoneering more when I do it in groups.
..... this dungerneering thing does not help because every 1 is lagging out cuz of bad servers and we get kicked out of the dungeon. it would have been good but we disconnect. the servers just cant handle it please fix this during the dung week. i looked forward to getting my first chaotic, but whe the servers are bad, im not able to get tokens.
All i want is to do dungeoneering but i either lag out every 5 minutes or just cant get onto the world because it freezes when i try to enter the game. Gonna be honest, its frustrating as heck.