Everyone complaining about wanting more exp, just use your extra tokens on exp. I for one, will likely spend half of my extra tokens on exp just because the amount of tokens gained will be more than enough, especially when I get 120 dg down the road.
I don't care about the XP as much as I do about the tokens.
getting the max tiered ring for the hard tasks. Then it's just get my smithing up to 88 so I can boost it, and 95 dung, then the task set is complete
Captain of
the Domination clan
. Portmaster, Lorehound, Slayer of Imps, Zamorakian
To everyone complaining about not receiving double tokens, the displayed amount on completing a floor still shows that as 1/10th of your exp, but if you check your total tokens before and after completing a floor(can check with the customize option on the RoK) you'll see that you are receiving double that displayed amount.
EDIT: Ninja'd lol
26-May-2014 23:09:13
- Last edited on
26-May-2014 23:09:49
Cinnamon Tee