There isn't an official one but there is a RuneScape group on the social media site Anook.
"So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." - Some Copyrighted guy
I made twitter especially for twitter like 10 days ago and I really enjoy communicating and chatting with friends, players, mods and stay up-to-date about stuff.
I always heard it was a great community on twitter and I can confirm that now. I am enjoying it a lot, thanks
An official Runescape presence on Tumblr. That'll be fun! Guess I'll have to hide the fan*i-- er, I mean, what fanfiction? I don't write any fanfiction! No sir, no ogre romances to see here... (I'm just kidding.
I prefer Mahjarrat.
Nerding out over RS quests since 2004