There were two major faults with how this event was set up:
1. The possibility that you could in fact get each and every task stamped, not having to do any yourself (20 tasks, 30 days, 1 jmod per day)
2. The fact that you could only complete one task per day, and a second only by jmod stamping. This should have been 2 tasks per day, either by doing them yourself of do one and stamp the other.
End result here was doing them yourself takes TWICE as long as having 10 of them lazily stamped by a jmod.
As others have suggested, a limit of (say) 5 jmod stamps would have helped.
Then there is also the fiasco of getting the stamps; initially the lag spikes, the wait times till jmods manually stamped whole crowds, then the poor planning of having sessions in areas where familiars/pets/etc could be taken, the lack of schedule/organisation of sessions.
The list goes on.
I'm glad to be done with the whole thing.
Interestingly, I still wear my Monkey cape form Mad May 2012. Will I even care to remember this year's shoddy event in another 2 years (assuming I am still silly enough to be playing, that is) ?
I honestly doubt I will bother remembering it in 2 weeks, let alone 2 years from now.
Grow up Raj, there's no place for truth on the internet.
11-May-2014 05:53:05