To a jmod:
I got a banned account, and i waited so long for a simple awnser or anything. i past 4 years without runescape, cause i loved my main acc, and still loving, just waiting for get it back. they put more time to recovery my account and make me sad =l, im old now, i'll do it in right way, can't wait to play again in this new game, cause everything has changed
(sorry for my bad english)..and dont, i will not create a new acc.
my banned account name: artgt2
im looking for a partner at shield of arrav. add me if u wanna, im old runescape player. hugs to all
to a jmod: many of your previous mini games are currently glitched out from the eoc, and none of the glitches have been fixed. will you ever fix this?.. a lot of these glitches are seriously annoying, and I would be happy to show them.
from: lRageandlove #5 rank in conquest. (I love this minigame, but because of these many glitches its really difficult to play)
Seeing as most of these went unanswered (as opposed to the mod post suggesting most if not all could be answered) I think the rest should go into a podcast perhaps?
Were the questions answered on the stream/written down?
It would be nice to know as I don't fancy sitting through 24hr of the stream to find a 5min section with the relevant mod on the off chance the question was even asked.