Is it open Topic? or is there a theme we're trying to stick to?
Im Raz
The theme for this month's Players' Gallery is
- given the Combat Beta, the news on Legacy and the recent World Event it seemed to be a good theme to choose.
Is this for new artwork only? I made a custom Zamorak pony (yes, that's right) during Battle of Lumbridge. He was submitted to the RS deviantArt group at the time. I suppose I wouldn't be able to enter him here? Or can I?
Regardless, this is great news
I hope to participate in future themes when I'm not already working on something.
Provided it is your own artwork and has not been previously submitted to us for a competition or similar then I think you will be fine
queso, Im having some issues sending my contribution to u guys, Im wondering if I should attach my drawing with the email, or can I upload it to ur DA group under Players Gallery Competition?
Mod Matthe
<div style="background-color:#121212;border:1px solid #957C07;border-radius:6px;margin-top:1em;"><div style="border-bottom:1px solid #957C07;padding:0.2em 0.5em;"><a style="color:#F3B13F;font-family:KingthingsPetrockRegular,Kingthings Petrock,Times New Roman,serif;font-size:1.2em;" href="/m=forum/users***?searchname=yontyv&lookup=view">yontyv</a><p style="float:right;font-size:0.75em;margin:0.4em 0;">[<a style="color:#F3B13F;font-weight:bold;" href="forums***?254,255,324,65296622,goto,3#27">post link</a>]</p></div><div style="color:#BBB;padding:0.2em 0.5em 0.5em;">can we (in the EXTREMELY low chance of getting first place) NOT get some of the awards?</div></div>
Hi <span style="color:#F3B13F;font-family:KingthingsPetrockRegular,Kingthings Petrock,Verdana,Arial,FreeSans,sans-serif;font-size:1.25em;">yontyv</span>,
Was there a particular award you would be intending to avoid should you win?
Hmm, by the way. . . In the rules you said that the minimum resolution was 1280 x 720 px. Does this mean that portrait oriented images are not allowed?