Design an Outfit Competition!
Competition Is Now Closed - Poll Coming Soon
The graphics team had a really tough job and this was one of our most popular competitions to date. Overall looking at all the Christmas and winter designs really got me ready for Christmas and the cold weather. I know it's only November but still!
We will be putting the poll up over the next day or so and a news post so you can see the top entries. With so many amazing entries we had to change the final three to include a few extra as picking just three proved to be too tough.
Thanks to everyone who entered, I am just so glad it wasn't me who had to decide the finalists!
Competition Closed
Solomon's General Store offers a fantastic range of costume overrides, allowing you to create almost any outfit you can conceive of. You can be an epic mage, Dark sorcerer or a strange person with ears and a tail. Customisation is really key, but haven't you ever wanted to be a little more creative with override costumes?
Introducing the Design an Outfit Competition!
We're giving you the chance to have your costume idea in game, available for all to see you creative awesomeness! With Christmas all too near we're asking for you to send in your Christmas- Winter- and Wintumber-themed outfit suggestions, whether that be a cheerful snowman, armoured polar bear, dastardly Penguin mastermind or Arnold Schwarzanelf.
Keep in mind with your designs that override items come in several parts:
- Head
- Body
- Legs
- Hands
- Feet
- Cape
- Main hand
- Off-hand
- Effects
Everyone likes to mix and match, so making sure your outfits work with other clothing choices will make it more popular.
You don't have to design overrides for weapons and effects for this competition but the option is there if you want to give it a go!
You will need to design the outfits for both male and female avatars. If you want them to look the same be sure to state this in your design.
All you have to do to take part in this competition is design an outfit for Solomon's General Store and email the design to [email protected] with the subject 'Costume Design Competition' and include your username/display name in the message.
Competition rules
- All artwork must be your own work. Any plagiarism will be spotted and disqualified.
- Must be Christmas or Winter themed in some way.
- Don't base it off previous events or existing items. Santa outfits, for example, already exist so won't be included as contenders.
- All rights to the designs will become the property of Jagex Ltd.
All entries must be in by the 8th November 2013 00:00 GMT .
We will select a handful of our favourite entries, give them to our art team to whittle down to the top three and then put it to a player vote to decide which outfit you want to see in game. The winner will not only get their item in game, but will also be given a free version of that item!
Good luck, everyone!
Community Management Team
Design an Outfit FAQ
Q: Does it need to look professional?
Q: Is a design and an explanation good enough?
Q: Is a design and an explanation good enough?
It does not need to look professional, you can always add comments about details you would love to see alongside your costume.
Q: What sort of restrictions, if any, are there in shape, size, ability to wrap cloth, have bits sticking out etc? How much can the body type be altered? (to avoid that 'design painted on' look)
The players base shape wont change in game but that doesn't mean you can't add detail to the costume. Something like the Dwarven Warsuit is a good example as although the body shape hasn't changed the armour makes the player look a lot bigger.

Q: How many designs can I send? and do I send them in the same mail or in a different mail for each costume.
You can enter as many times as your heart desires!
You need to send your entry to [email protected] with the subject 'Costume Design Competition' and include your username/display name in the message.

14-Oct-2013 17:52:40 - Last edited on 11-Nov-2013 10:42:22 by Mod Slayer