Hehe. Is this just a transparent way of outsourcing? I mean, let me make sure I've got this straight.. You're asking players to send in designs of an outfit that will be put into Solomon's General Store, which contains a number of items which can be purchased using Runecoins; which are primarily obtained using real-life currency.. And a handful of items which can also be bought using loyalty points at a greater, and inflated price, but without having to spend real-life currency on them..
The competition winner from what I understand gets their outfit free, but since Jagex owns your work afterward, they continue to make bank out of the outfit. Rarely any new items in the General Store are ever made available for purchase with both Runecoins and loyalty points. So essentially, you get thrown a very light and hollow bone upon winning, and Jagex (you're out of the picture at this point) gets to profit from your work whenever somebody buys some Runecoins to get that outfit.
That's been my understanding of the little contest and situation so far. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong.
14-Oct-2013 20:46:30