Hey Regicidal!
Is it true that you did Runescape music videos? I am a big fan of RSMV's and as such I've had the idea to make promotional RSMV's for each of the god factions. But I don't have the resources or experience to do so. What has your experience been creating RSMV's and would you be interested in my idea?
-Simbaha1 (Thanks for following!
-Syntric (Thank you very much sir! I really appreciate that. Thanks for the long term support and I will be doing the best job that I can do!
-KoiFishing (Thank you man and will do!)
-Aaron A7X (Thank you again my dude!
-Ahma Lyra (Thank you, hope you enjoy them!)
-Moo 2 Moo (Why thank you very much! I'm really glad you enjoy my content. I try my best to entertain everyone!
-Captain Pl0x (I got offered it when I came home via email
-Nice Place (Thank you bud! It's an honor. I try my best to be a role model, not just in the RuneScape community but in the world. Having the ability to inspire and motivate people from all around the world through a game I love is a dream come true. Thank you for all the support, I really appreciate you!
-Cest Moi ((*(*(*(*( CESTY )*)*)*)*) thank you! You've always been a great person
Squishies all around!)
-Sivmon (Thank you very much and I'm glad that you enjoyed that stream! It was a lot of fun
-Bigfish502 (I started out making YouTube videos through RuneScape Music Videos. I've bene making them for around 6-7 years now, my most recent being one called "Rebel" and one called "Cinema" before that. Currently I don't make RSMV's much any more because of all of the copyright claims on YouTube, it's virtually impossible to not have them blocked in certain countries. Also I would be interested but I'll most likely be busy with this job as well as my normal videos. There is a lot of other talented RSMV makers out there though, look into other YouTubers!
Thank you for the support btw!)
Hey Lee, i want to congratulate you and being a mod, i watch your YouTube vids and i think your raps are AMAZING!! if you could check on the New Game Content - Suggestions forum and take a look at my thread "possible two new bosses" i think you could push it, "in the right direction, and to the right people" and maybe one day it will be implemented, thanks!
How do you feel about how the F2Pers are treated (both by players and Jagex)? And specifically how do you feel about F2P getting Warpriest nerfed after it was stated to be level 75 armour for F2P and P2P.