Jagex needs to make a front page post addressing if the messages in the video were faked or not, as this would be incredibly simple and easy for them to check simply by looking at his chat logs.
It's time Jagex realizes that keeping us in the dark isn't the right way to go about things.
Front page post plz, address the playerbase on this issue and tell us what is the course of action on this matter.
Covering it up isn't the way to go, the video is going to be reposted endlessly and if all Jagex does is censor it then it will do more harm for Jagex than good as the act of censoring will promote the idea that Jagex is TRYING to HIDE it, rather than address it.
The year of the player, eh? Then communicate with us directly, it would probably take Jagex all of 5 minutes to look up the chat logs, and maybe 10 minutes to write a post on the front page.
Were getting tired of your ****, Jagex.
18-Aug-2013 19:43:21