I know we are all about divination but could we discuss making some things alittle less tedious to attain? Such as the black ibis outfit. Why must it take hundreds of thousands of attempts to get one piece? why not create a reward system inside Pyramid Plunder to cause less annoying? Or increase the chances of attaining the Black Ibis? This is from someone wanting to level up Thieving as easy as Construction was with its "Constructors" outfit.
Awesome! I need to catch up on the pod casts. I love the lore from Mod osborne and this one will be even better as its regarding Divination
Keep these podcasts coming they're great!
I could not understand large portions of you podcast. Very frustrating.
You Brits may not have an accent in the UK but you do in the USA. I can usually follow what is being said until the speaker drops his voice to a little above a whisper and speeds up the word flow. The discussion then becomes nothing more than a mumble.
I could not make myself listen to the whole podcast. There were too many "lost" portions. May try another but probably not soon.
^ I could actually understand everything they said, and I'm American. It might be because I spent a month in Britain, but that was years ago so I'm not sure if it makes a difference.
This podcast has proved problematic for me. As soon as I heard Mod Ana was one of the devs on Divination, my hopes for it rose dramatically
That doesn't sound like a bad thing, but high hopes have rarely worked out well for me in the past; I must find a way to depress them as soon as possible!
Sea Sah
I could not understand large portions of you podcast. Very frustrating.
You Brits may not have an accent in the UK but you do in the USA. I can usually follow what is being said until the speaker drops his voice to a little above a whisper and speeds up the word flow. The discussion then becomes nothing more than a mumble.
I could not make myself listen to the whole podcast. There were too many "lost" portions. May try another but probably not soon.
This is why people don't like Americans omg
I'm American and I can hear it just fine
Captain of
the Domination clan
. Portmaster, Lorehound, Slayer of Imps, Zamorakian
11-Aug-2013 05:13:05
- Last edited on
11-Aug-2013 05:13:22
Oath 2 Order
Mod Osborne was right... not very thick in lore at all
Slightly disappointing; next week will be a lot better :3
Revive/Enhance Mage Arena God staffs!
You can always talk to me on Twitter:
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^ I could actually understand everything they said, and I'm American. It might be because I spent a month in Britain, but that was years ago so I'm not sure if it makes a difference.
Well... I'm from The Netherlands, and... I can follow it perfectly.
Oh, and in The Netherlands they speak Dutch, not English. So it's not accent alone that's the problem, although I have a lot of problem understanding red-neck ramblings
Revive/Enhance Mage Arena God staffs!
You can always talk to me on Twitter:
or Reddit