This was without a doubt my favourite ever RuneScape Podcast ever! ;D
These mods were made to be together in a live stream lol. xD
If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove someone's sadness.
Awesome podcast! You guys were having a blast, and it made me laugh as well several times ;p
Was surprised to hear that Saradomin was/is actually human, interesting. Can't wait for the future world events! Really looking forward to seeing Armadyl and Seren ingame. Of course Zaros as well, hope you at least let us see an UPDATED version of his shadow form if you don't want to show him ingame yet (as in next few years, and as in he has no corporeal form yet).
On a side note - what made you change Saradomin's look? I really liked the previous version, kind of withered and more ancient looking and long hair. This guy now seems to have a buzz cut. Bring back long hair please ;p
Well, bummer! When I go to Podbean to give it a listen, there's an error opening the file. Malwarebytes also blocks something coming through.
The podcasts of July 12th, July 20, June 21st, June 7th, May 29th, and both from May 28th load fine. In addition to the one form July 26th, the podcast for July 5 also has an error opening the file.
Even better, the deaf community gets yet another informational opportunity kept from them as Jagex still neglects to write up a text-version of the cast!
thank you very much for this Mods Osborne, you are a very good at what you no about runescape mate, i wish you Mods Osborne, would do a lore podcast with us live and in real time on twitch it would be a very good suggestion.
sounds good. I only never listened in on the podcasts because
I had no idea where they were.
Just like I had no idea you guys had a soundcloud where you sometimes put up high quality music teasers.