
Lore Campfire - Answers Thread is locked

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Mod Raven

Mod Raven

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I have seen your asking for one question per post and shall instead post five.

1. Are we ever going to get any more info about the Second Age? Like, Zarosian Expansion, the numerous clashes over Runes? Early Godly Expansion in general?

2. What exactly does it mean when a Mahjarrat faces the void? Is it just another word for death, or do they literally get dumped into the void? Does this have something to do with how a Ritual is done?

3. What are the Monkeys doing in the Pirate Quests? Are we going to finally figure out the eternal question: "Ninja Monkeys vs. Zombie Pirates, who wins?"

4. Is there a Super-Secret, City-Sized Daeyalt Refinery under Morytania that is run by Vampyres and has a population of Human Slave Workers? (Answer carefully, there's GP on the line!)

5. How come I haven't been invited to any of Marimbo's parties? :(


I see your asking 5 questions instead of 1 and shall instead answer the questions posed to me by this pot plant in front of me.

1. How dare you! My mother is a saint.

2. Only on tuesdays and not on a full moon.

3. Mini Marm isn't secretly Guthix in a wig, sorry.

4. No, Mod Osbourne will not let you have a piggy back, you're a plant, learn some decorum.

5. Yes, you are quite right, Mod Raven is the most awesome of the J Mods, you are a wise and learned pot plant.

6. Thok's fists.

= Raven =

27-Jun-2013 20:48:54 - Last edited on 27-Jun-2013 20:49:07 by Mod Raven

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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Have any gods, besides Saradomin, returned fully to Gielinor, but not given away his/her presence?

Not yet. There are gods that are on Gielinor in a not-entirely-whole way, of course, but you are right when you say 'returned'.

27-Jun-2013 20:49:10

Mod John A

Mod John A

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Do all bosses on runescape follow a god or do some believe gods don't exist?

If a particular boss monster isn't established to follow a particular god, they probably believe the gods in general exist but don't follow a particular one. Plus some boss monsters are unintelligent animals, and so can't be said to have religious beliefs.

27-Jun-2013 20:50:54

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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Mod Osborne; you were working on a complete RuneScape timeline. How is that going? Any information on the release date?

You're so good at remembering things! Yes, I'll be working on a timeline soon. The god hierarchy will be first, however.

27-Jun-2013 20:50:57

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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Are we likely to see an update made to the lobby?

I think a cardboard cut-out of mod MMG was put in the lobby. We've also got nicer sofas.

27-Jun-2013 20:52:40

Mod John A

Mod John A

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First of all! How are you today? It's a nice day here where I live. Anyway...

Would previous storylines that weren't finished before the release of 'The World Wakes' take place during the 6th age, or would they take place before Guthix died? (Like the Dwarf, Pirate, Gnome, and Elf series, which are left without finales)

Other than the Elf series, I don't see the NPC's suddenly pointing out in conversation that Guthix died, gods are back, etc. Because that's the only way I would see them pointing out that it's the 6th age.

Quests we release from now on will be Sixth Age unless there's a good reason for them to be Fifth Age, so I think that would apply to series finales as well.

For the dwarf finale, I'm certainly considering it to be a Sixth Age quest, although one where the return of the gods is happening in the background rather that being the focus of the quest.

Edit: Oh, and I'm quite well today, thanks! It has mostly been nice today although it rained for a bit, but it is England so what can we expect?

27-Jun-2013 20:53:56 - Last edited on 27-Jun-2013 20:56:23 by Mod John A

Mod Raven

Mod Raven

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Was Nadir, the Fremennik Saga, the Dungeoneering Finale spoken about a few years ago?

It was more of a lead up to the finale, rather than the actual finale. The current plan is to do the finale a bit like a saga, although nothing definitive yet.

= Raven =

27-Jun-2013 20:54:38

Mod Osborne

Mod Osborne

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In the Sixth Age, how do you plan to balance large community driven decisions with individual experiences?

What is meant by "changing the game world?"

Is Saradomin legless?

How are players going to decide the outcomes of the new storylines?

Individual experiences will follow on from the community decisions. We'll be waiting, ready to allow the player to make further decisions based on the community decision. You'll understand it when we get there, promise!

Say, for example, that the community decides that Mod Raven should be put in a bin head first rather than feet first. In solo content, you will then decide whether to tickle him or put on booties. In later community content, he may react to you differently based on that decision. They feed off each other.

27-Jun-2013 20:55:42 - Last edited on 27-Jun-2013 20:56:08 by Mod Osborne

Mod Raven

Mod Raven

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Why does the Enchanted key only take you to a small snapshot of time?

Because if it took you anywhere in time, that would make it perhaps the most powerful object in existence. You could step in before Zaros was first slain and take the power for yourself, or you could wait until after you'd seen the outcome of something and then go back and be ready for it.

Basically, a time traveling super key is a bit OP really. ;)

= Raven =

27-Jun-2013 20:56:30

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