im sure this question will be asked several times... but for giggles...
i was wondering if the monster (lvl/difficulty)within the clue # made a differnce, for example lvl 3, fire giants vs steel dragons.
also i was wondering if after these have been released for some time, are u going to mess around with the rate at which people recieve it. Will you initially just put a set recieve rate and the grand exchange determine their value via... supply and demand. or will the drop rate be increase/decreased via supply and demand.
hope that made sense.
thank you for your time... i was also wondering what these Jagex_cache_42 files are on my computer... ive heard alot of ppl talking about them in-game... and now its got me curious.
some more ideas/questions:
1) in the future obtaining a higher lvl clue scroll from your clue scroll be plausable? ex) get a lvl 4 clue from a lvl 3 reward?
~!~ ive been working on my idea of a runescape lottery, but i wanna make sure its flawless before posting the details... but in a few words shorter,
Q~!~Q: have you concidered a runescape lottery? and this could be an excellent additive to treasure trails... how so u might ask? well ive been trying to put together the overal set-up but here take this for example... if there was a runescape lottery make it like a 33.3% drawing, one third to any player within runescape that buys a ticket, another third to people that recieve special tickets from treasure trails, and as for the last third, have this money taken out of the game... well really just used to make up for the items/gold that are continuously dropped... this could create a new balance for the market, and it might make some "newbie" quiet happy... or me of course=]
thanks for your concideration,
27-Sep-2010 16:21:24
- Last edited on
27-Sep-2010 20:31:17