
Treasure Trails Q&A Questions! Thread is locked

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Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I thought i would just pick up on other peoples questions as to get them noticed,

1) Why do godblessed sets of D'hide require a defense level when the normal and trimmed versions of them do not? eg, Sara chaps require 40 defense to equip yet normal & trimmed versions do not? I find this quite dumb

2) I noticed someone elce asking this question as i too am in the same situation of only ever getting junk for 100's of clues that i have done over the years but yet always seem to get junk, Perhaps could you implement a chance % to clues eg, If i finished 10 clues and got junk my 11th clue would have a much higher chance of giving a "Non Junk" reward?


3) Are cluescroll rewards fixed eg, If i got my 4th clue from a steel dragon is that reward already decided before i evin finish the clue? Or does the loot depend on external factors such as time, length and final clue location?

Altecice :)

27-Sep-2010 15:50:31



Posts: 152 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello Mod Maylea,

My question for you is this:

What was the idea behind the Heraldic armour platebody and plateleg design? They aren't pleasing to look at, and if I may be frank, they look as though they just had a sticker pasted onto them. Can we expect any changes to the way the Heraldic armour platebody and platelegs look in the near future?

Thank you,

27-Sep-2010 15:53:04

Not Danneh
Sep Member 2020

Not Danneh

Posts: 1,553 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I was wondering about the wing idea on the other page too ;P i've seen it brought up a lot of times and wondered if anything like that was likely to be put into the elite clues but nothing from the elite clues really strikes out as unique in my opinion, apart from maybe the ornament kits, but then again, they paint dragon armour into a gilded colour, the staffs build ontop of masks, more masks were added, more god armour, robes, and dhide were added, and cloaks, heraldic etc have been added, is it likely we will see new ideas such as wings added in the future? or at least items that arent being adapted from older prizes?

27-Sep-2010 15:56:33

Saffyre Moon

Saffyre Moon

Posts: 362 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My question is regarding slider puzzles. I'm not sure whether it's relevant here since most questions seem to be about rewards. There are many players who are unable to do slider puzzles, the inability bypasses age and gender. There are players who don't do them because they hate sliders, start and drop when it's a slider or worse get "help".

Think Tower of Hanoi, suddoku, cat's cradle, mazes, crosswords, hangman, spot the difference, complete the circuit/ pipework, "tetris", move blocks to get the key out etc, etc. The list is exhaustive. But it does offer the potential to encourage more people to engage in doing clue scrolls "by themselves" and quite possibly in a shorter time. :P (Personal record - 2 days lol)
The "hint" feature doesn't help if 2/4 pieces that are very wrong are similar looking.

There is a clear divide caused by slider puzzles with those who can do them and find them easy and those who can't and find them impossible, frustrating and stressful! Personally I HATE them but will struggle through mainly because I'm stubborn.

Q - Why is it, when there is a wealth of different types of self contained puzzles is the only option a slider puzzle?

Please also review a possible solution:
What if instead of being given a slider puzzle you had an option of say 2 or 3 different types of puzzles to choose 1 from? Thereby giving each person an option to choose the puzzle they could do. Those who find sliders easy and complete in seconds have a huge advantage when they get a slider puzzle. Those who don't are already hindered.

*Edit - grammar! :P

27-Sep-2010 16:01:08 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2010 16:03:36 by Saffyre Moon

Samoht Gnir

Samoht Gnir

Posts: 2,359 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would like to ask you about one of your pieces of work, the Champions Challenge. As a concept I really like this feature however it is also very frustrating. It's not just the extreme rarity of the scrolls but also the fact you can only get them from the specific monsters. As a player with 132 combat having to fight a huge amount of monsters far below my level is very undesirable. I understand that if the drop rate of the scrolls was increased it would diminish the value of being the champion, but I can't help but ask if there could be a way to make them easier to get. There may be ways without actually increases the drop rate, perhaps having monsters above level 100 drop any of the scrolls, at the same drop rates.

To summarize; can you find a way to make it so higher level players don't have to fight lower level monsters endlessly to get the champion scrolls?

PS: 132 combat, 2208 total level, and I haven't even unlocked the song! :'(

27-Sep-2010 16:02:42

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 502 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear Mod Maylea,

First off, I'd like to say that your additions to the game are awesome! I've really enjoyed them, and I know many others have as well.

Anyway, I would just like to know if the rate of third age item (the three older sets) rewards has been altered in any way with the changes to treasure trails. A lot of people have been scared into selling their items for fear of this.



27-Sep-2010 16:07:13

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 842 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Did you consider how poor the prayer bonus on the druidic 3a is, and how dissapointed people would be when there are cheap items offering better bonus'?

how long had lvl 4 clues been in development for? How long had they been planned for?

- Chris

27-Sep-2010 16:11:46

Dec Member 2021


Posts: 198 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A lot of the clues we see are very static, meaning you get the same clues over and over again. Can we expect an update in which the clues are dynamic?

For example, we know we always have to wield an uncharged glory, ring of life, and addy 2h when we dance in front of the cat door in Sophanem. I would love to see the items completely randomized to make the clues more difficult (perhaps, as a result, better rewards as well?)
This would work, too, with coordinates - there just needs to be a list of coordinates which are not reachable that we would not obtain.

27-Sep-2010 16:20:59 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2010 16:24:20 by LazarBeam



Posts: 232 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
im sure this question will be asked several times... but for giggles...

i was wondering if the monster (lvl/difficulty)within the clue # made a differnce, for example lvl 3, fire giants vs steel dragons.

also i was wondering if after these have been released for some time, are u going to mess around with the rate at which people recieve it. Will you initially just put a set recieve rate and the grand exchange determine their value via... supply and demand. or will the drop rate be increase/decreased via supply and demand.

hope that made sense.

thank you for your time... i was also wondering what these Jagex_cache_42 files are on my computer... ive heard alot of ppl talking about them in-game... and now its got me curious.

some more ideas/questions:
1) in the future obtaining a higher lvl clue scroll from your clue scroll be plausable? ex) get a lvl 4 clue from a lvl 3 reward?

~!~ ive been working on my idea of a runescape lottery, but i wanna make sure its flawless before posting the details... but in a few words shorter,

Q~!~Q: have you concidered a runescape lottery? and this could be an excellent additive to treasure trails... how so u might ask? well ive been trying to put together the overal set-up but here take this for example... if there was a runescape lottery make it like a 33.3% drawing, one third to any player within runescape that buys a ticket, another third to people that recieve special tickets from treasure trails, and as for the last third, have this money taken out of the game... well really just used to make up for the items/gold that are continuously dropped... this could create a new balance for the market, and it might make some "newbie" quiet happy... or me of course=]

thanks for your concideration,

27-Sep-2010 16:21:24 - Last edited on 27-Sep-2010 20:31:17 by [#LS0FFO2VA]

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