well. since i'm sure everyone has posted rants and raves about wanting a good reward i'll just skip to my many questions.
1.) Any thoughts of making cool looking but fairly useless (much alike the dragon masks) armour/weapon sets that are non tradeable clue rewards, and can be upgraded (for example, you always get a piece of one set, and the next time you would get a piece of these sets, it would not be a duplicate. it would be another set piece or an upgrade to it)? I think it would be nice to have this as it allows a new look of armour, that alot of people will put value in without actually putting gp in their pockets, many people would be content with this as their treasure trail item.
2.) i had slayed bork 4 weeks running from the day of the t trail update to about exp weekend. i got sick of it and stopped, given i had never gotten an elite clue from him and i constantly checked, i never had a banked clue. Might this be fixed, so it is more common and more worth our while? along with skeletal horror, and adding in the phoenix?
3.) Various creatures require high quest requirements and skill requirements. Darkbeasts take 90 slay, for example. any thoughts of these being added to the list of elite clue droppers, along with possibly colored dragons (i.e. black, red, blue, green)?
4.) I've slayed ATLEAST 50 or so slay tasks of things that drop elite clues since this t trail update, and have yet to get an elite. i've done quite possibly over 100 hard t trails, though. Is the drop ratio on elites low so that the reward/clue ratio better, and you have a better chance of an item?
5.) Among those possibly 100 hard clues i did i amassed about 9-10m in special items. armadyl cloak, robin hood hat, among the things i obtained. Any thoughts of making clue rewards based on how many u have done recently, or how many u have done in general? Alot of people are sticking with clues and others are giving in, i think those that are stickin with it should be getting something. =)
28-Sep-2010 03:31:23