
Treasure Trails Q&A Questions! Thread is locked

Quick find code: 254-255-26-61790245



Posts: 35,372 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I just remembered one major grief I have about treasure trails.

Why do we have to clutter our banks with so many junk items to complete clues?

I have the ability to make mind shields and body shields, but am forced to keep an elemental shield for doing clue scrolls. Why can't I use a mind or body shield so I can get rid of the lower level elemental shields?

I have the ability to make and wear black dhide armour, so why must I have blue dhide in my bank to do clues? Can't it be simply wear blue or higher level dhide, so I could free up more bank space? Let me use black dhide instead.

Why must we use adamant square shields, rune warhammers, plain rune full helms, and so many junk items to complete treasure trails, when they could be made so we could use something else, and gain several rows of bank space?

Making or obtaining the items every time is impractical.

If you won't change the items needed to complete treasure trails to make them more bank space friendly, can you make somewhere we can store these items other than our banks?


28-Sep-2010 01:26:40



Posts: 4,030 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Have you considered creating an NPC who we can pay for hints to text puzzles?

Why isn’t the new god trimmed armour f2p? (Arma, Bandos, Ancient)

Why aren’t there god trimmed armour for other gods like Tumeken,Seren, Amascut,Marimbo or Brassica Prime? You’re not discriminating against Menaphites, goddesses, monkeys or *gasp* CABBAGES are you?

Could you add more animal staves? E.g. Guthix’s favourite animal –the sheep were left out :(

Could we get more puzzles for variety?

Is there a possibility of more unique rewards in the future that aren’t variations of old stuff? Like skateboards to shove under followers so they can move at run speed w/o new running animations.

Could you redesign Heraldic plates, legs and skirts so that they match the helmets and shields more? IMO the colour patches look really out of place.

28-Sep-2010 01:43:02 - Last edited on 28-Sep-2010 02:59:14 by [#BZWNW1IBX]

Jun Member 2004


Posts: 365 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My questions are this.

1) Will we be seeing any more Champions Challenge updates soon?

2) And will the drop rates for the Scrolls be improved?

Because the drop rate is kinda, well, stupid... I really love this D&D, but I just don't have the time for it. I keep telling my friends that I would trade a rare item drop (Visage, Whips, Staves of Light, ect) for a Champ Scroll drop. Of course they all think I'm crazy, but thats just me. I'm personally fine with the lame exp, I just want Champ Scrolls to be more common.

Improved drop rates for Champ Scrolls would make my day on Runescape a thousand times over.

Thank you if you could answer those questions.

28-Sep-2010 02:17:18 - Last edited on 28-Sep-2010 02:39:39 by Vince



Posts: 1,084 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My question would be:
"Have you planned on making treasure trails for free to players also? "

This would have free to play players have more things to do and they would be more inspired to be playing your awesome game :P

Now there's not much to do for the higher leveled f2p players :@

Thanks if you even had half a thought on this ;)
*7th Demon

E: someone beat me to the question above while I was thinking if i had anything more to ask O_o
98% Sheep, 2% Stick!

28-Sep-2010 02:57:06 - Last edited on 28-Sep-2010 02:58:28 by Sheepstick



Posts: 114 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As far as clue scrolls go I have done countless level 3's with getting no more than maybe 1m, at the most. I would like to know if somehow the amount of reward is can be increased for the clues we do based on todays prices. For example, 2 years ago, getting a 2m clue could buy you many supplies to train for example prayer, around 2,000 dragon bones etc, in todays prices 2m, would barely get you any. More money is needed in todays economy and It would help if when we took our time out to do clues we could get some pretty worthwhile rewards, that would make clue hunting so fun! :D i mean honestly jagex I finally made enough cash for 99 summoning, and after I get it i will be broke, so it would be nice to have something I can rebuild my cash with. So my main question here is: Do you intend on increasing the reward "drop rate" or how is your reward decided?

thanks! :)

28-Sep-2010 03:26:15



Posts: 114 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
also another suggestion/question, instead of having us wear junk items for certain clues, why not for some, it say "equip an armadyl godsword and bandos chestplate and tassets and go dig near the alter in the bandos alter room" these items cant be borrowed and it would be very interesting and more exciting to do! For those who do have the money to afford these items, will complete the clue, and the reward would be greater for finishing the clue, that would give people more motive to set goals and achieve! :)

28-Sep-2010 03:29:42



Posts: 609 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well. since i'm sure everyone has posted rants and raves about wanting a good reward i'll just skip to my many questions.

1.) Any thoughts of making cool looking but fairly useless (much alike the dragon masks) armour/weapon sets that are non tradeable clue rewards, and can be upgraded (for example, you always get a piece of one set, and the next time you would get a piece of these sets, it would not be a duplicate. it would be another set piece or an upgrade to it)? I think it would be nice to have this as it allows a new look of armour, that alot of people will put value in without actually putting gp in their pockets, many people would be content with this as their treasure trail item.

2.) i had slayed bork 4 weeks running from the day of the t trail update to about exp weekend. i got sick of it and stopped, given i had never gotten an elite clue from him and i constantly checked, i never had a banked clue. Might this be fixed, so it is more common and more worth our while? along with skeletal horror, and adding in the phoenix?

3.) Various creatures require high quest requirements and skill requirements. Darkbeasts take 90 slay, for example. any thoughts of these being added to the list of elite clue droppers, along with possibly colored dragons (i.e. black, red, blue, green)?

4.) I've slayed ATLEAST 50 or so slay tasks of things that drop elite clues since this t trail update, and have yet to get an elite. i've done quite possibly over 100 hard t trails, though. Is the drop ratio on elites low so that the reward/clue ratio better, and you have a better chance of an item?

5.) Among those possibly 100 hard clues i did i amassed about 9-10m in special items. armadyl cloak, robin hood hat, among the things i obtained. Any thoughts of making clue rewards based on how many u have done recently, or how many u have done in general? Alot of people are sticking with clues and others are giving in, i think those that are stickin with it should be getting something. =)

28-Sep-2010 03:31:23



Posts: 609 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
5.cont) I think those that are faithful to clues should be getting something extra for doing all their clues. i did 7 clues in 1 gargoyles task, making a 1½-2 hr task into a 4 hr task (7 clues :o i know) and i got (this being the special t trail items) teles, arrows, teles, teles, biscuits, arrows, mage comp. I totalled to a gain of about 250k/hr from the other various rewards in these t trails, and i know ways of making more than that while i actually gain exp. It was -fairly- worthless for me to do those clues. (though i believe i'll get something good one day. and each clue i do is 1 less to do to that good reward :P ) In short - 5.) Any plans to make clue rewards based on how many/how fast u do them?

6.) i can make more money per hour doing level 1 clues, pickpocketing ham, than i can doing level 3 clues killing any high level monster. Simply because i do about 80 level 1's and 10 (or less) level 3's. My chance of an item from a level 1 is much better, and when i get a wizzy hat (g) i make 2¼ mil. This leads me to believe the ratio of items from easy to hard is the same. any thoughts of making level 2 items a bit more likely than level 1, and level 3 a bit more likely than level 2? or tweaking items (like u probly have) so that some items from level 3 clues are more rare than others, (zammy chaps compared to 3a kite, for example) and making items in between, worth a couple hundred k, more common?

EDIT: vince... This is a t trail questions thread and you're asking.... about champs challenge scrolls? not rlly the place i think....

P.S. to anyone complaining about t trails. GIVE THEM SOLUTIONS! It's like telling your brother to fix the garbage disposal, telling him the blade wont spin. but he doesnt know how to fix it without you telling him. get some brains, tell them how to fix it, and maybe they'll fix it. then you can stop complaining about how stupid they are and go brag to your friends about how you helped jagex fix it.
(4k char's from 2 posts lol o.O)

28-Sep-2010 03:31:34 - Last edited on 28-Sep-2010 03:43:28 by Juicey

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