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Will the new hiscore system be more visually appealing?
Previous to the latest site (what we see now), you could view all of your skills; levels/ranks/xp without scrolling, now I have to page-down about 5 times to get to everything. This lost a lot of appeal in my opinion.
Looking forward to the new site. Thanks for your effort thus far.
Azura Skyy
. The whole high score section of the website has been re-designed and we've definitely improved ease of navigation throughout. It's much easier to move between different high scores now - yay!
I was wondering if the new homepage update will also debut the release of the new highscores system?
Yep. We'll be launching the new seasonal hiscores system at the same time as the new website. We'll also have a new design for the clan hiscores and player hiscores pages.
Mod Rascasse
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Q.) Are you confident that the seasonal hiscores will continue to be used a lot after their release, both by players setting them up themselves and by Jagex setting them up?
We're really excited about players getting stuck into our Seasonal Highscores and we definitely envisage them as something for the long-term. What we're launching with for RS3 is only really scratching the surface for what we hope the system will be able to achieve in the long term.
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new website?
What's wrong with this one?
@ThaMcDonut, it's the same as when VHS video's were replaced by DVD's, and DVD's were replaced by blu-ray. you don't always notice the improvements until you go back and watch a VHS video
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I know things like the High Scores are going to be changed but not got rid of. But is there anything from the current website that will not make it into the new website, such as the Wiki?
We won't be removing any functionality - there will be new features (such as seasonal hiscores) as well as a new design for the logo and top and bottom of every page on the site!
Mod Rascasse
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Ok just thanks a lot... Not
Where is old school runescape on that page?????
you as jagex created this version of the game, so why not advertise it?
It is there, you can switch over the buttons on the homepage to whatever you like, old school may be one of those buttons. Also, it's accessible via the dropdown in the top left of the website.
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Is everything created with Photoshop? If so how do you make those PS files work as a website?
Yes - all the visual design for the website is done in Photoshop. These can be really complex, with loads of layers to create the rich graphics you'll see on the new site. We'll often have different design options kept in the one file so we can access it easily while the design is under discussion.
Once everything's agreed, we tidy up our Photoshop files, remove the stuff we don't need and check everything makes sense, then the whole file is passed to the web developers so they can then work their magic. They save out the graphics from the files and use the rest of the page design as a template when they're building the site.
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Can we do hiscore competitions with your own friends?
Another question, what gave you all the idea to do hiscore competitions?
For each Seasonal Highscore you'll be able to track your progress against your friends, yes
. At the moment player's won't be able to set-up their own competitions / leagues, but it's definitely something that interests us!