Will there be a quick link to the Bestiary on the Main page? Or is that considered an offshoot of something? Also, will you continue to have your social media and news on the main page?
What kind of upgrades, if any, can we expect for the forums?
Will the Bug Reporter remain the same or are there changes planned there as well?
Hi, Realisticlly speaking, a very large number of clans have mixed communities of paid and free players. Social aspect and competition between friends is not measured by membership status on Runescape. How will seasonal hiscores accomodate competition between friends and community members within a clan or a circle of friends in a community of players within Runescape?
Also this is more like a request than a question, but will the log-in system bug/feature that currently requires you to log in twice to access your Account Settings be fixed?
Currently accessing your Account Settings requires a double log-in which is very annoying. Not sure if this was intentional or what.