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Ehhhh? Why has my question been hidden? I just asked whether the lobby is going to be changed or not? That's a website-question, isn't it?
They hide questions once they answer them, genius.
The question you should be asking is why they wasted time answering your stupid question in the first place.
Question: Is it possible to create a RuneScape News Webslice for in Internet Explorer?
I really like this and it is easy to see the latest news whitout going to the website itself.
Just a button under your Adressbar and when clicking on it it show you the latest news feeds
Proud owner of the Dungeoneering Skillcape since 10 August 2016
Clans are important building blocks inside Runescape's community and play a major role in terms of competitive gameplay. How will seasonal hiscores work with clans?
Titans Revolution
Runescape Community Clan
Will there be any specific clans homepage on the site which mashes various clan related news from sources within Runescape site to get players involved in clanning?
Will there be any HTML5 elements added to the new website which encourages players to get involved with live events and clans happening in game? For example a social media page which has embedded live streams or commentary and stuff like that?