1. are you under the assumption that everyone in Runescape has high speed Internet and unlimited data allowances? HTML5 seems to run OK on my machine other then the constant downloading of areas, with 3G and lower speed ADSL and or Internet plans with data limits it seems like it will drain my data allowances and severely lag anything else (youtube, Downloads, etc). thoughts/plans to combat this?
2.(related to above question) is it possible to have an optional ""full cache"" download, something along these lines would allow you to keep the ""browser based"" experience you're so well known for, while also allowing those of us with slower connections and or download limits to experience RS with extremely high detail without needing to stream the entire game, it would also then be possible for people to download the cache on another connection/copy from another computer.
(my thoughts)
browser based games ARE NOT and NEVER HAVE been the best games when it comes to graphics, you and i both know this, and HTML5/WEBGL will NOT change this, its time to start thinking about optional downloads if you want to continue moving forward visually, its great to be able to play a game from a browser, but a real gamer wants functionality, stability, speed and smoothness and when it comes down to it, theres a reason why the most visually appealing games ARE NOT BROWSER BASED.
Please give us the ability to play RS at its full potential without needing 5gb a week of data usage for the rest of the foreseeable future
08-Jun-2013 16:10:19