First of all, thanks for caring for the community opinions, I'm sure it means a lot to everyone who loves to see the game improve with every passing week.
For my question, when I play with the draw distance enhanced considerably, I notice it is lacking in immersion for older areas, such as Varrock or Isafdar. If you were to create new (land) areas, would the layout be much more spread to compensate for the lack of immersion?
Hey, Just watched the new video on youtube. My question is: Will there be any kind of prequel quest involving Guthix? And if not can it be looked into? Thanks for reading if you did I know you have a lot of work to do looking through the questions. Best regards!
Recently we had a left-click deposit all when using banks and there was a mix of people that hated it and liked it so it was removed. Is this going to be a toggle option to do in RS3 and if so how soon?
Is there any potential for an in-game mail feature in Runescape 3?
Personally I think it would be a great addition to the game, allowing more flexibility for clans and friends that don't communicate through other social mediums.