Will you ever make the world larger? is it possible? I don't necessarily mean to add new cities and such, but make the current cities larger? I feel like some of the cities need this.
Would you consider another combat rework+beta to go along with RS3? A change to RS's combat system was required, but many feel that EoC was not well designed.
I've noticed that offhand items that can be sold on the Grand Exchange, such as black offhand, do not exist outside in the game, when will they be available?
Also in Runescape 3 will you open up areas in future events such as Menaphos that were no open to players before?
Will the Eastern Lands ever be open to players?
Will construction (POH) get a graphical as well as additional items and rooms update?
Will the game filters be more customizable so we can choose what we want filtered?
Skeleton from day's gone by approaches you. What do